Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Unlock Vip Luggage Lock

El móvil - Mobile

al-an-naqqāl Hatif. Internautas all: there are moments in the life of a man who outweigh the sorrows of existence, that appear unexpectedly and truffles come to our world of beauty and pregnant with meaning. At the risk of that pride cloud my view, and the pride my reason, I can not share with you my very last feat, oh mere mortals: friends, friends, I've beaten Robistar.

Casus belli (1 / 4)
Dunas de Corralejo, Fuerteventura
20090511, 1237 ZULU

Encontrábame I travel
hedonistic in Fuerteventura, in particular doing this ...

... and listening to this in the car ...

... when lo and behold I get a message indicating that I was good enough to Timofonica sword in the bill last month. The figure is so astronomical and so outrageous that I decide to take action on the matter. Of course, returning to Tenerife, because, you see, he was busy with serious things.

First foreplay (2 / 4)
Plaza Weyler, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
20090512, 1429 ZULU

Armándome patience and courage, calo bayonets, rifles and cock it called the 1004. Timofonica launches first distant volleys through metal voices, first, I started all promotions of the company, and then ask me for my ID, my zodiac sign, my mobile number, Social Security, the membership Infante video store, the Library of the Region of Murcia, my favorite color and the reason for my call. My strategy, the result of countless skirmishes, is constantly screaming, implacable, unavailable to discouragement Operator! Operator! Operadoooor! Passersby look at me, oblivious to the deadly battle that has begun to rid the airwaves. Timofonica reacts moving your first line of infantry hordes of American business. Alberto Gonzalez, tell me how should I write to you. Ramon, if you please. Tell me, Don Ramon, what do you want? I think you have taken me too much this month and still I have not received your invoice. Can you tell me how to look at my bill online, to claim? OK, Don Ramon. Tell me what is your landline. No, it was on the phone. OK, still. No, not yet. So why has called you to 1004, Don Ramón? Call 609, if you please. But can you tell me how to look at the bill online? Call 609 Ramon attend there will remember that this call is free remember that in the coming hours will be called to assess the quality of service you have received very good morning Don Ramon goodbye. Pipipipi ...
Call Duration: 16 minutes.

Four minutes of promotions. ID card number and mobile number, current address, back in the team jersey Alumni Marist hopes for the future and favorite writer of the generation of 27. Operator! Operator! Sorry, I did not understand the reason for your call. Repeat again. Operadoooor! He serves Lourdes Cordova, tell me your line number and your ID. If you just give ... Yet. Tell me how should I write to you and what you want. Ramon. Do you know that your name does not fit the graphical system English? Excuse me, Don Ramón? Nothing, if you can tell me how to view my detailed bill online. Sure Ramon or you enter into. Com and enter your ID and your mobile number and remember that this call is free Don Ramon Don Ramon remember that in the coming days will be called to assess quality of service you have received very good morning Don Ramon goodbye. Pipipipi Grac ... ...
Call Duration: 13 minutes.

The heat of battle (3 / 4)
My holy house in Santa Teresa de Jornet, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
20090512, 1532 ZULU

Armed with data, charge their muskets, me polishes the sword, the sword sharpening grinding stone, spit on the fire and I will: my sister, my coins, to Luisete, my films, to Chiti, my car, to Bethlehem, porn on my computer, and so do all my belongings. I put the helmet, I adjust the armor, ride horses and crossed the Rubicon. Victory or death.

Operadooooooooor! Marieta Al Morales speaks, tell me how I should call. Don Ramón. I have taken calls you received in Switzerland as if it had not hired the roaming tariff. Claymore head to Marietta. Within minutes I get rid of it and I go to the department concerned. Answer a English. He serves Xjxkewemxe Pilar. Tell me your ID, Ramon. Well, I said you had hired Marieta daily rate Roaming before leaving for Switzerland, but you see, Switzerland is Zone 2 and Zone 1 you hired, ie the European Union. With difficulty, I manage to dodge the blow of Pilar. Hey, look, a few weeks ago I received an advertising message that spoke of this fee, saying only "calls to / from Spain and Europe. " Understand me: what's the point of the Zone 1 contract if he was to spend ten days in Switzerland? Gender would be silly. I do not say anything and gave me areas to choose from, and also in the confirmation message back to Spain and to the Eu-ro-pa. But it's all good baggage: Switzerland is Zone 2. Lady, "Switzerland is not Europe? After much struggle, Pilar accepts that advertising and messages put Europe. Reluctantly, I said that I be reimbursed $ 10 in my next bill. Try to slip as soon as possible, but there were still things to discuss. Wait not go, that's not all. I've seen on the invoice that I have gained 7 multimedia messages that I have not sent, to 3 euros each. Let's see, the media are collected in the volume of data transmitted, whether sent or received. That is not true, and besides, I remember they were advertising messages that you sent me while in Geneva. I very much like to send me advertising, but man, that charged me up ... I told you charged by data volume. How do you know were public, not someone who sent them? Do you have proof? Man, the messages I have kept, but the bill places that are all accurate and 300-kB from numbers with many digits. If that is not advertising, come down and see God. Switzerland Were you with someone? What biblical sense? sure I say that because that person is sent, remember well. Well ... Pipi Mars pipipi ... I swear I thought the first beeps had made Pillar mouth. She cut the call voluntarily! Bram and I cried, seeing as Alejandro Darío withdraw from the battlefield of Gaugamela. And my 10 euros?
Call Duration: 27 minutes.

Capitulation (4 / 4)
My holy house in Santa Teresa de Jornet, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
20090512, 1605 ZULU

With tears in his eyes, wiping the blood from his face, I called again: Operadoooooor, by God! Hello, Walter Garcia. I don Ramon. By God, holy and blessed, pass with your general. 2 minutes waiting. He serves Pedro Sanz, tell me. Pedro, my friend, just half an hour talking with a colleague of yours and had reached the commitment that you were going to cut me 10 euros in my next bill, but has cut the call and I find it hard to explain everything again. What was his name? Pilar not know what it is that has made it very fast. But we have no authority to direct discounts. Oh no! Can you repeat your name, if you cut again? Don Ramón, my name is Pedro Sanz. Do not worry, that the call is not cut. In addition, we have no reason to doubt his word, much less: I will call the appropriate department for which you deduct the ten euros. Really? Wait. 2 minutes. Fixed , Don Ramon, note the reference number. For if there is anything else ... There is, yes. Is that I sent you 7 multimedia message advertisements to Geneva and so I have charged me. a minute, I'll check. 2 minutes. Indeed . Sorry for had they been charged, Ramon. He also deducted on your next bill. Record the number. Pedro. What . think I love you. is mutual, Ramon, is mutual. And, in the manner of old generals, are brought together in an embrace.
Call Duration: 32 minutes.

TOTAL: 88 minutes.


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