as-Siyasa. Siyasa The Madinat Arab City Policy, finished with time to become the illustrious town of Cieza . You know that great moments I lived there as a volunteer interpreter. In that entry, Folklore, I refer. I do wish to remind you there in Cieza, is celebrated every year on the famous and international World Competition Guidelines West Olive, which was also exported to New York and Munich, where he received the latter place the beautiful name of Olivenkernweitspuckwettbewerb . As there is quite a workout, at the time also deserved a separate entry called The olive . Steal this video where you can see my more than acceptable performance two years ago, celebrating the release to Bebeto.
But let's co-prince of Andorra, friends, because to not do again much. Monsieur le President de la République Over an informal lunch with members of other parties in France, went with Merkel, Barroso and to put the icing on throwing a puyica Chirac. The joke in question was this:
"Zapatero, il n'est peut-être pas très intelligent. Moi j'en connais qui étaient très intelligents qui n'ont pas été et au second tour of présidentielle. "
" Well Zapatero will not be very smart, but I know others who are as smart as they were not re-elected in presidential elections. "
" Well Zapatero will not be very smart, but I know others who are as smart as they were not re-elected in presidential elections. "
not happy with the turmoil raised by his words, Uncle took time to attend a wedding in Murcia next week. Yes, well accompanied by his personal bodyguard.
and ended the week having dinner with a queen consort and, later, putting face Ratatouille first, and JJ Santos later. How hard is the life of a head of state, folks.
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