Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Whole Body Feel Itchy

El pelo - hair

as-Sa'ar. Two months later, has had the unthinkable happen to decide to break my ostracism blogger, to take courage in his teeth and get rid of the oppressive gag. Judge for yourselves whether the case deserves it.

-old was said Socrates, I think - was that where there is hair no joy. This blog, Socratic as the most, has tried to breathe life into this ancient adage by pleasant events, year after year, have had critical acclaim and audience: Well, as I said, the unthinkable has happened, folks. The tragedy has reached cosmic dimensions. What does 2012 or dead child ... It has not rained blood, but the end of the world is coming and the signs are unmistakable, because, friends, friends ... I am trembling fingers to type this, but ... it is my duty to announce that it Chexpirit Pelaz been cut. Calm down, by God! Oh, Lord, I guess drooling crossed, arrancándoos hair, desperate to nothing, with not having more to do in this world ... Horror!

Many have tried to stop this madness. Without going any further, some people started a movement on the net trying to stop this nonsense, no doubt, with only two entries, here's the best blog I read in 2009: Save the Pelaz of Chexpi . Sorry. There is hope. Let Die ...


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