Sunday, October 4, 2009

Stds That Make Gums Bleed

ARBA-Madrid Sur.

Because of the extra characters following text-Madrid Sur ARBA answer from here to comment by David on the report titled "The ecological values \u200b\u200bof the hill of the Cantueña more endangered every day," not this time using the section of this blog for comments .

Although the area chosen for the location of new fire station was fragmented by the M-408 and C4 commuter line that does not mean that the area did not have their ecological value. Many fragmented areas, have high ecological value, as they have unique plants and / or wildlife that often depend on these small places to develop life cycle and survive in a hostile environment.
With the construction of fire station, has helped even more confining neighboring territories and even the hill of the Cantueña, stealing one more piece of territory to the fauna and flora that lived in it, creating inconvenience to the fauna of surroundings, frequent transit vehicles park. Surely this fire station could be installed in a better place to not cause an environmental impact, but the ecological value of this council gives the Cerro de la Cantueña is invalid.
is uncertain that the firehouse presence prevented, even in part, that illegal dumping will continue, it is not the best alternative to solve the issue. If spills occur, for lack of sensitivity and the carelessness of the City of Parla. One thing is the corporate propaganda that makes this council and it is quite another issue that seems really important. Discharges disappear only when an area is urbanized.
That these parcels had no more than 20 olive trees, does not mean that they did not have a major environmental and ecological value. These trees were at least hundred years old, housed a community whose natural cycle depended on these trees, which formed one of the few remaining groves in Parla that year. If in that year alone there were 20 trees, is because construction of the trench of the commuter train many of these trees were removed, leaving only the 20 olive trees. In fact they belonged to the thriving olive trees years ago spread throughout the area, reaching the gates of San Ramon neighborhood.
is evident that the European Parliament for the city of olive trees are reminiscent of the past that hinders modern urban image that he wants to give Parla, why does not grant the ecological and social value they should have. So each year, they disappear over the few acres that remain today.
You're wrong with your statement, you should have read first sign that there is next to this deposit water. It clearly says "construction project to supply irrigation water to reusable water, Municipio de Parla. Apparently not remember, that the new General Plan de Parla is projected on the hill of the Cantueña the installation of a new urban park, causing the destruction of its ecological values. This deposit has no other mission than watering the projected park.
driving course is aimed at Parla, because it is there where the water is brought Canal Isabel II to irrigate the park and is stored in the tank. You're wrong again, the urban park projects in the hill of the Cantueña, is located on land in the municipality Parla. The set at the end of Fuenlabrada is one created earlier.
Under this new power lines, say that you're confused again, this is no more lying north of the road that descends to the PI, but south of it, on top of the plateau of La Cantueña-Buenavista, crossing the sites of El Barranco del Lobo-Recuenco, crossing the towns of Parla and Fuenlabrada.
important thing in any case, is the environmental impact that this tendency causes the birds and the landscape of the hills of Cantueña and Buenavista, ie its design and location, not the municipality where you are or which it passes.
Both the City of Parla like Fuenlabrada should prevent lines passing over these territories, but so is by no ecological value they provide. The picture therefore is short, but has a great documentary value. Tell
that the inventory of fauna and flora is the result of a long personal investigation that lasted more than 20 years of effort, loneliness and joy. It is naive to think that the fauna and flora of these hills may be of interest to describe in a book, these territories are not worth anything to most people, does that book could proceed?. What publication go far enough to list, at least, all the fauna and flora of all these hills?.
The bad part is practically advocating and studying just south of Madrid.

Signed. ARBA-Madrid Sur.


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