In an article published in this blog in October 2008, announced the discovery of a new population of English-wasp beetle (Neoplagionotus Marcao) near Humanejos Creek, which crosses the Madrid suburb of Parla.
On 10 July, we discovered a new population of the endangered endemic beetle in the hamlet of Los pinteño astragalus, just 4 ' 5 kms from the previous location in a straight line.
marshmallow of a population of crazy (Lavatera triloba triloba) more than 30 specimens consisting of plants of different ages, we found up to 10 copies, feeding in this Malvaceae.
This new location helps to know the range re threatened by this beetle, with an opportunity more for conservation. Their presence in the area of \u200b\u200bLos astragalus, increases the ecological value of this area, already high ecological value.
It is developed a varied and valuable flora Mediterranean, with numerous endemic Iberian and Ibero-Maghrebi, and rare taxa in the Madrid region, as Colchicum triphyllum , Alyssum montanum , Lythrum flexuosum , Echinops strigosus or Cerastium dichotomum , etc., With some of them in the limit of its regional distribution as is the case Ephedra nebrodensis .
The fauna is also a factor to take into account on the site. The astragalus are an excellent habitat for steppe species and aquatic habits. Thus, many invertebrates, especially butterflies and beetles, and amphibians, reptiles and mammals, but especially birds, 133 species-to-give this place a high natural value.
feature of these open landscapes, steppe avifauna is well represented in The astragalus. Thus, in his valuable inhabit steppes of little bustard breeding populations (Tetrax tetrax) curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) bobwhite ( Coturnix coturnix), partridge (Alectoris rufa), owl country (Asio flammeus ), shared calendar ( Melanocorypha calandra), wheatear (Oenanthe hispanica) , etc., but especially Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), being considered this people the best of the Community of Madrid and one of the highest quality in the Iberian Peninsula, both couples and density for high productivity.
other steppe birds such as kestrels (Falco naumanni) or the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) come to this place in search of prey. During the winter, can be seen wintering hen harrier copies (Circus cyaneus) or flocks of geese ( Otis tarda), skylarks ( Alauda arvensis) and finches.
The astragalus, are a magnificent wildlife corridor for birds moving from the Southeast Regional Park to the IBA "Torrejón de Velasco-drylands of Valdemoro, or vice versa. In this way, we can observe geese, raptors, waders, etc. crossing this place.
When seasonal wetlands that dot the steppe cereals are flooded, numerous waterfowl that develop their life cycle in them. The common stilt (Himantopus himantopus), common Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) the Gadwall (Anas strepera) coot (Fulica atra), common redfish (Gallinula chloropus), the Plover ( Charadrius dubius), the Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) the Iberian Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava iberiae ) the Buitrón (Cisticola juncidis) etc., Breed in these wetlands.
During the winter, in addition to other sedentary birds that flock to these wetlands for wintering. Thus, the heron (Ardea cinerea), Shoveler (Anas clypeata), girl snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus), Snipe common (Gallinago gallinago), European golden plover ( Pluvialis apricaria) the Gull (Larus fuscus), or Curlew (Numenius arquata) can be seen in this time of year in this place.
especially in autumn and spring, can be seen in The astragalus the migratory path of several waterbird species which make or heading north and central Europe.
Among these birds are to highlight the common crane (Grus grus), the redshank (Tringa totanus), the clear redshank (Tringa nebularia) the larger sandpipers (Tringa ochropus) fighter (Philomachus pugnax), the northern pintail (Anas acuta), the Garganey (Anas querquedula) or Sand Martin (Riparia riparia), staying most of these birds a few days in the wetlands, while resetting forces to continue their migration.
Finally, it includes some species Choosing waterfowl wetlands to feed The astragalus, among these species are to mention the marsh harrier ( Circus aeruginosus), cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) , white stork (Ciconia ciconia) or rascón (Rallus aquaticus). also other birds like the avocet common (Recurvirostra avosetta) and godwit (Limosa limosa), summer in these wetlands.
is incredible obsession of certain leaders and entrepreneurs for making excessive development projects, although they mean the destruction of unique natural sites. This megalomania and disrespect for nature that entails, has put the astragalus in his sights.
Thus, despite so much natural wealth, The astragalus have aroused the greed of certain businessmen and politicians they see in this natural wealth other, being so vulnerable to various projects that constitute a serious threat to its continuity.
These projects are: the macro-urbanization "Punctum Millennium", which would occupy more than 4,000,000 m². , Space Engine that occupy 5,000,000 m²., Which would have an official Formula 1 circuit and motorcycle and a thematic city around the world for the engine, go-kart tracks, quads, 4x4, trial, schools road car test areas, entertainment centers, etc. in addition to the construction of some 7,500 homes and an industrial area. And finally, the extension of the M-410 from the town of Parla its link with the A-42 to Valdemoro joining the A-4. This infrastructure would divide the astragalus, causing a catastrophic fragmentation of land for wildlife.
legal check-out is unacceptable that even today suffer from the astragalus, although having a high ecological value, which favors the yearning of a few speculators, who place at all costs their personal interests to the common good In this case the conservation of unique places.
Thus, places such as astragalus and many other southern Madrid remain marginalized outside the protection of nature so often touting the politicians.
Currently, there is not one legally protected natural area in the eastern region of La Sagra Madrid, a faithful reflection of the contempt of the political class by nature of this amazing region.
conservation of threatened English-wasp beetle would be miraculous to such adverse circumstances.
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