tormented Excerpts
; The elegant efficiency of their thinking, labeled the "deep pessimism" is not tragic finding, for example, in Nazi concentration camps: "Many a man would kill a fellow, just to polish boots with the fat of dead. "He said elegance solvency of style, since by their literary virtues Welt als Wille und Die Vorstellung (The World as Will and Representation, by his own his Haupwerk , "great work" ─ which, among other things , was a resounding failure, to a point where a run of just eight copies many were recycled, and nine hundred and fifty left after the Brockhaus publishing deposits) has been considered one of the summits of the German language for all times, while for Schopenhauer Safranski is "the best stylist among philosophers of the nineteenth century." Susana Aguiar, having said "curiously seems to have had more influence on the literature on the philosophy, "says well, with a sharp little more than frivolous and bastard" is sexist so much so, that seems incredible in a being intellectually brilliant. His sentences against women can not take more than humor, forgive and let go. "
Schopenhauer's life was particularly marked by disappointment. Everything seems to indicate that his father committed suicide when Arthur (Danzig, Gdansk, February 22, 1788) was seven years old. At twenty abandons race of Commerce for literary studies. In 1809 he enrolled as a medical student at the University Gottingen, where he met Gottlob Schulze, who is moving towards the study of Plato and Kant. In 1811 he moved to Berlin two years, "which follows the course of Fichte and Schleiermacher, as considered then, and they do not get more than disappointed. Enrolled in Philosophy went on to study classical philology, history and several courses of Natural Sciences. His thesis, which earned him the title of Doctor from the University of Jana, is entitled Über die vierfacheWurzul des Satz vom Grunde zureichenden (On the fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason.) Shortly after we've got it back with her mother in Weimar. Johanna Henriette (extrovert, jovial, must contend with the sullenness and misanthropy early Arthur) arranges notable literary soirees , and this is where he met Goethe Schopenhauer, who always admire, along with Homer, Shakespeare and writers of our Golden Age, especially Gracian who translated into German, as well as Wieland and Friedrich Majer, orientalist, and it comes in contact with the philosophy Hindu (Brahmanic and Buddhist doctrines.)
The World as Will and Representation , written during the four years he lived in Dresden, completed the manuscript in 1818, appeared in December this year, but dated 1819.
The World as Will and Representation , written during the four years he lived in Dresden, completed the manuscript in 1818, appeared in December this year, but dated 1819.
then travels to Italy and back in the summer of this year, accepted a professorship at the University of Berlin (the qualifying examination was marked by his confrontation with Hegel, "philosophaster" he called, also "a bold scribbler was nonsense as Hegel, who was in court) begins as Privatdozent in March 1820. His work in the cloisters, but did not last six months, having tried unsuccessfully to return to teaching.
In 1831, fleeing the epidemic of cholera, the same that claimed the life of Hegel, to Frankfurt, where he held the twenty-eight remaining years of his life, fifteen remains unpublished. Concerning the submission of its report On the basis of moral worth noting that, outraged by his invective against Hegel and Fichte, the Danish Society of Sciences states award the prize. Only until 1851 Parerga und Paralipomena. Kleine Philosophische Schriften (Greek parerga , ancillary works; Paralipomena , supplements or appendices, for his biographer Rüdiger Safranski "side letters" and "do" or Schopenhauer himself as "scattered thoughts, but systematically arranged on various subjects"), it is in his first book of rapid and widespread impact, finally led to his consecration and final glory.
In times of realism (rather than Abate Prévost had already released -1731 - the precursor Manon Lescaut ) Schopenhauer believed in the psychological novel. His work, of an incorruptible conceptual openness, believes in the validity of grief. Usually, as I have said, labeled his work under the label of "deep pessimism."
"Schopenhauer (cito artículo en la Red) sostuvo que mediante la posible acceder al Conocimiento introspección era esencial del yo. Identificó a este con un principio que al metafísico denominó 'voluntad' o 'voluntad de vivir' ( will to live ): For since the whole man but the manifestation of his will, may be Nichos inverted, as in the ausghend reflection of wanting to be something else, as it is (Puesto que el hombre en su totalidad it sólo el Fenomeno de su voluntad, nada puede resultar más absurdo que, de la Reflexión partiendo, querer ser algo Distinto what is is: Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung , IV, § 55.) concept will , Schopenhauer in the strict sense refers not to the very psychic faculty of wanting but, rather, it refers to a being or essence (Wesen ) metaphysical character whose correlate sensitive the phenomenal world. Indeed, the world of phenomena, which unlike the will is inevitably subject to time-space coordinates determined by the principle of individuation (principium individuationis ) and the law of causality, is only the Will itself "objectified" that, as such, should be read in terms of what Schopenhauer called "representation" (Vorstellung ). According to Schopenhauer, the will-in the way of being objectified, is expressed in all layers of the natural world, from simple stone to the man, who reaches its maximum to take the form of conscious desire, in which case only happens identified with the current notion will -. In itself, however, Will is nothing else than "a blind urge (Drang ), an impulse (Trieb ) completely devoid of substance and reason", in other words: "Under these aspects, then it is clear that I rightly, has taken the will to live as further inexplicable, or rather, as the foundation and basis for any explanation and that this "very far from being an empty verbiage as' absolute ',' infinity ',' the idea 'and other similar expressions, are as real (das Allerrealste ) as we know, indeed: the core of reality itself ( selbst der Kern der Realität. ) As always unsatisfied desire continued, "all life is essentially suffering (Leiden ) "(Op. cit . , IV, § 56). When the man gets temporarily mitigate or escape from suffering, ends up falling, given in the unbearable emptiness of boredom, and only between the Scylla of pain ( Schmerz ) and the Charybdis of tedium ( Langeweile ) since it is only surmountable reaching a conscious denial of the will to live, Schopenhauer proposes a flight from the world. But the suicidal renunciation of life itself, but which has lived under unfavorable conditions. "
Arthur Schopenhauer died on September 21, 1860 in Frankfurt am Main. I dare to call natural father spleen.
Leo Castillo
(I use this phrase as meaning substance, essence, for me that I restrict to offer such wisdom adarmes well proportioned.) Stanislas
(I use this phrase as meaning substance, essence, for me that I restrict to offer such wisdom adarmes well proportioned.) Stanislas
Valois Aragon
I have the right to lie every time I ask something without my permission, with respect to me or mine.
I find it pleasant to live with my dog. If I had not interested in living dogs.
Christ said "love thy neighbor as thyself," never would have said "love yourself as your neighbor," because we know that would be asking too little.
Nature gave man the power to determine their lives as they wish, to not have to be like beasts. Thus, no need to live as long as I can, but all he wants.
Zoophilia degrades human nature is a sin against the species abstract. In no way is a sin against this or that man.
Neither the world is a fad for our use or animals are a factory product for our use.
Man should not compassion to animals, but justice.
Man has made Earth a hell for animals.
Neither the world is a fad for our use or animals are a factory product for our use.
Man should not compassion to animals, but justice.
Man has made Earth a hell for animals.
The culprit, at the time of its execution, should feel treated fairly and justly, as a mere means to an end. This is the only means of keeping the law, to operate its power to terrify, which is its sole end.
Honesty used by men to interact and firmness that informs his life, is actually caused by a double violence: the laws established to ensure protection of the state and the expressed need to have good reputation.
In humans, the main focus of their actions, their desires, is ownership.
Faith in a future reward is equal to the square or cube of sacrifice, not to mention other selfish acts.
honest men, as are four-leaf clovers.
We see by the number of men around us obliged to respect the peace between their mutual relations, tigers and wolves with jaws held by a powerful muzzle.
If one conceives of law enforcement without a muzzle, a little intelligence would horrify us with the spectacle offered.
Man, like all animals, is the fundamental reason for selfishness ie the desire to be well.
Taming is nothing to implant a fear that acts through custom.
Selfishness in man and beast is so ingrained in the center of your being that is its own essence.
Civility is conventional and systematically deny selfishness in the minutiae of daily events, admission is hypocrisy, but not least imposed or rented.
Many a man would kill a fellow, just to polish the boots with the fat of dead.
not directly feel sympathy for the welfare of others, while so we do because of their pains.
often envious hated our prosperity become tender and friends give us comfort in knowing that we blew it.
covers your neighbor as a shield against attacks that attempt to own evil and your selfishness.
Selfishness is so deeply rooted in man's selfish motives are the only ones that can have activity likely to motivate the individual.
When it is necessary that man be sacrificed for the maintenance and development of the species, it becomes difficult to direct intelligence to her all individual aspirations, understand the need for sacrifice and start do.
The notion we have of our own ego does not exhaust the subject nor lights to the bottom.
What we know about ourselves is incomplete and uneven in depth, compared with the subject. Most of it is superficial in what essentially is unknown and is presented as a problem.
animals lack abstract notions of reason, are not able to make decisions about themselves for empire. They are therefore at the mercy of their views and desires.
animals, even the smallest, are selfish, that's enough to realize who are aware of your self and the world does not oppose me.
The state is not nothing but a muzzle for a safe return to butcher animal that is man and make it look herbivore.
Let everyone stay with his prayer, but I know more beautiful than that of the ancient Indians: "To be free from suffering to all have life! "
Life aspires to a moral and metaphysical view, this is so that if religion does not explain what exactly this sense, would not get any roots.
many live in this world at the same time, the number is infinite, we are just being itself, present in each, the same everywhere, really exists and manifests itself in everything.
Moral freedom is nothing other than free will.
Even in the smallest actions, movements and steps, the print man intent and premeditation.
Drunkenness passions predisposes to increase the strength of the sensible representations, however, weakens the abstract thinking and increases the power of will.
The essence of art is a case applied to a thousand, since what is proposed with careful representations carried the depths of the individual, is to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200btheir species.
All work directed to a human purpose, any equipment or building, should have some resemblance to nature to be beautiful. It was recognized since antiquity. The mistake was to believe that the similarity should be immediate, direct and exist in all forms: the columns do not have to look like trees, or flower pots chalices.
utensils and buildings should not imitate nature, must be made in the spirit of it.
Gothic architecture owes its look mysterious and apocalyptic motifs worthless because they ascribe a purpose unknown to us.
poetic gifts for the holidays are not for those for work.
The philosopher can not engage in any occupation that philosophy, because she has to make money with subsequent disadvantages. That is why the ancients considered the sophists who made a living as philosophers.
We classics from the old genius whose writings crossed the millennia without reducing its brightness. This is because among these people, writing books was not a way to make money. Also deduce from this that there are no classic bad, because when the genie vanished, these authors did not work still in progress market to gain, as they do today even the best men.
the philosopher's work provides entertainment but instruction. At the same time requires prior knowledge and efforts by the reader, why not have both public and glory is longer than wide.
The opera is a pure artistic act, but a barbaric idea of \u200b\u200bincreasing the aesthetic pleasure accumulating means, different sensations, reinforcing the effect by increasing mass and forces acting.
arguably Opera is an attempt to benefit antimusical antimusical spirits for whom music has to be obscured by an alien environment: the superposition of a dull love story as a soup without substance.
When I listen to my imagination plays with the idea that my life and that of others, are just dreams of an eternal spirit, good or bad, and every death is an awakening.
The dances are more geared towards the lust that aesthetic pleasure.
Vaudeville looks like a man who boasts of using clothes that he bought a junkman.
The novel is noble and elevated when you have more inner life that foreign representatives.
When a man realizes his moral flaws, when the hate, when forced to correct them, he realizes that he never fully achieved.
If you try to correct defects in a man's character, moral sermons and speeches, it incurs a similar fantasy of wanting to turn lead into gold.
(...) But the origin of all these wars is only one: the desire to steal.
Clio, the muse of history, is so full of lies as a street prostitute may be infected with syphilis.
Newspapers are the second hand of history and like all second hand, not only are made of a worse, but almost always go wrong.
The spiritual merit has two misfortunes: expected to praise him evil people who produce and receive money from the hands of human opinion, that men have in the same proportion as a gelding has a chance to procreate.
An oil painting is different if one sees it in a dark corner or when the sun illuminates it, the impression is different from the same work based on the value of the brain that review.
Only privileged brains really enjoy the work of a genius, but that still does not recognize when authority is necessary that these brains have also a superior mind.
When notice mediocre in any aspect of knowledge to someone outstanding, make an effort to hide it, to prevent opposing transcend apparent.
In general, the quantity and quality of the public of a work are inversely proportional.
To defend against envy was invented modesty
often discredits the good envy by the praise dishonestly.
Men feel a great attraction for a round and well formed breasts because the are in direct relation to female reproductive function, and promise good food for babies (...) that intelligence does not know it, but instinct.
The intellectual qualities of man is not attracted to women, because they are not transmitted to the child.
educated mothers perceived through experience the value of the intellectual and his daughters are learning to fine arts, languages, etc.., To make them attractive to their husbands. His intention is to help intelligence by artificial means, similar to those used to develop hips and breasts.
men are indifferent to each other. Women are by nature enemies. Man rivals only in their craft. Women, as has the same job, each time passing in the street look like Guelphs and Ghibellines.
The big business of female life is sex.
The advantages conferred by monogamy, or the laws that derive from this, proclaiming women equal to men, as a result, more sensible and cautious often hesitant to let go at a sacrifice so disproportionate, to an as unequal.
Death is (...) the violent destruction of the fundamental error of our being, the great disappointment.
If there is no immediate end to the pain, he can say that it has outlived its usefulness.
Just as the sheep graze in the meadow while the butcher selects in the middle of the herd, we ignore, for the happy days, the disaster that is prepared, the disease, destruction, mutilation, blindness, and so on.
Human life is a permanent struggle against abstract ills such as poverty or boredom, and against other men. Anywhere there is an adversary. Life is a war without truce and die with weapons in hand.
"(...) children are innocent convicted, not death but life that do not yet know the contents of your existence. That does not prevent everyone wants for themselves to reach an advanced age, which is a feasible state described this way: "Today is bad, and every day will be bad, until you get the worst. '"
If a person survived two or three generations, is in the spirit of one who looks at a fair repeat puppet farce. This is because things were calculated for a single representation, because once the illusion vanish and novelty, and no effect.
The world is hell and the men were divided into tormentors tormented souls and demons.
might say that my philosophy has comfort, and it is because I speak the truth, while people like to hear "God our Lord has done well all he did." So I say, go to church and leave philosophers in peace!
A Jehovah God joyfully and fancy produce a miserable world of mourning, and even welcomes it. It is too!
Brahma produced the world by a kind of sin or error, and it remains to atone for that sin to redemption.
If the world did God not I want to be God. The misery of the world I hurt your heart.
If the world did a demon, we have the right to curse him as he showed his creation: "How dare you interrupt the sacred rest of nowhere just to bring out such an amount of penalties and distress? "
The Jewish religion is less than the doctrines of civilized peoples, is also the only one without a trace of immortality.
Jews they say God's elect. Maybe, but tastes differ, because they are my chosen people.
Life is a continual lies, in things large and small ones. If you promised not to comply, unless you want to show us how unpleasant it was the desired effect.
the end that death is necessary to win the game. We belong by birth and not do anything but play with their prey before devouring.
Yet the boredom is a bad negligible. It makes the men who love little between yes, look at each other, is the source of the social instinct.
In everyday life, Sunday is the pseudonym of boredom, and six days a week of misery.
Man's life comes and goes like a pendulum, from pain to boredom. Those are the two ends last. The men expressed a strange way. First made the hell out the house of torment and suffering, and what was left to heaven?, Just boredom.
Bored, we have the notion time, not distracted. This is proof that our existence is the less we feel happy, it follows that it would be better rid of it.
ask me to open my eyes and see the beauty of the world, sunshine, mountains, valleys, streams, plants, animals and more. But does the world is not just a magic lantern? The show is beautiful to see, but that have some role there is a very different thing.
The true sense of the tragedy is that the faults he should atone for the hero not theirs, but hereditary, ie included in the crime to exist.
Doctors are men in all its weakness, the judge in all its perversity and theologian in all its folly.
Before dying I want to make a confession: I scorn to Germany for his infinite stupidity, and I'm ashamed to be part of it.
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