Hurt added to the previous post (Jesus's death)
Few things annoy me more in the world of written communication via the Internet that people who write in capitals to give the impression you are shouting. Yes, indeed, give the impression that you're screaming and yelling you can now go to the shell of your mother ...
But this time I will not be able to dodge that resource, because until I shouted. Since we were talking about idiotic things unacceptable and that several leaders of the IMM and the Ministry of Interior would have to be smeared with acid (sulfuric) in its most sensitive, is that today I came on foot from Old Town to Parque Rodo, listening to the Mountain Goats and enjoying the last gasps of summer when I noticed something really quite obvious: ALL THE GRANITE WALL OF RAMBLA SOUTH, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL IN THIS RAMBLA MONTEVIDEO is scribbling SHIT DONE FROM START TO FINISH BY THE SON OF MIL PUTAS FULL OF SYPHILIS gangrene that I decided to give the Gospel to their degenerate CITYWIDE.
is, literally ALL of the wall (and adjacent columns and floor) are covered with phrases like "Jesus was facing you," "Jesus loves running," "Come to Jesus", "Jesus is a hippie damn that would be thrown up Valizas "(that is but anytime I add) and other addresses the Essene who made crazy madness, demagogy and ignorance contagious. I had not noticed before in this segment of the promenade and I think these graffiti are relatively new, but for months, I think more than a year, than other parts of this wonderful avenue of granite are scribbled from start to finish by UNDIGNIFIED UNHAPPY ONE UP TO EUTHANASIA (the letter and errors checkers are always the same). Now, such an undertaking he must have taken hours or days of work. "PATRULLERO NEVER HAPPENED ONE FUCKING HAPPENS AND IF NOT STRIP FOR RAMBLA as it should AT LEAST YOU TARGET THE BRUSH IN THE ORTHO, YOU LOSE SOME TEETH AND THE GOAL IN THE VILARDEBO? CRIME WHAT CAN BE DONE IT'S KNOWN TO Defacing for hours and days RAMBLA SOUTH WITH ALL QUOTES FOR DELAYED IN WHITE PAINT? "Sitting naked by the obelisk tip? FUCK WHAT YOU SAY 'VANDALISM' these hierarchs BLIND OR AS BUTTONS IN THEIR HOMES THAT DO NOT GO THROUGH ONE OF THE MOST VISIBLE WAY OF THE CITY? So psychopathic painter has been said that the Rambla Sur is one of those places most exposed of the city and so I chose to print his disgusting message there, WHERE THE FUCK WERE LOOKING GRAY? If all the Rambla is now liberated territory then alert you, and I'm walking on the other. And once
elucidated the mystery of why that guy could enchastrar to pork ALL the cutest walk without a cane Montevideo kill him a deserved health rifle shot or at least shut him for a thousand years, I would clarify another mystery: IMM WHEN WILL CLEAN PAINTED THESE OBSCENE, OFFENSIVE imbeciles and LAY IN A COUNTRY OR ANY COUNTRY TO RESPECT YOURSELF A LITTLE BIT?
When they stop counting the extra two million dollars just to pay him eleven live ADEOM they realized that the Departmental Board approved that fortunate wage agreement (which led to the messy breakup municipal strike of 2002-2003) when the crisis broke out and was oligophrenic committing to automatically adjust wages when the parties stop sucking each other as a celebration for being leaders of a city of cuckolds that do not check to kicked out of office, well, when the party ends, it would be good for Ehrlich and company pull each other's hair whiskers stop and grab a bucket of paint thinner. His alleged subordinates, of ADEOM so long ago they put the saddle, and who are the real owners of the IMM-I doubt very much they want to soil their hands, so I hope that the leaders have a minimum of decency and will Rambla clear that, like the rest Montevideo, have been left in the dirt, in this case religious, for the worse.
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