Saturday, February 28, 2009

What Part Of Houston Has The Lowest Property Tax

La tradición - tradition

at-taqlid. in every village that boasts of its name, its inhabitants must have nicknames. The baker can be The Mixed , the cure, The Gatuno , and the apothecary, The Cuttlefish. The origin of these nicknames is lost in history, but usually refer to a story which occurred to a motto carrier ancestor. As we know too well, nihil sub sole novum : the Romans used these nicknames and surnames. Today I will speak very briefly and as an excuse, a Roman who was called The Chickpeas, that is what Cicero .

For centuries, the Romans were proud of being a republic, a nation without a king, a society where the law was above individuals, but from time to time were forced to confront a Roman citizen who tried to monopolize power and appointed perpetual dictator, or king.

In 63 a. C. , a good man named Marcus Tullius Cicero , the then Consul of the Roman Republic (ie, one of the two presidents of Rome), he learned that another member of the Senate, Catiline name, intend to kill him and seize power. With front Catiline, Cicero spoke in the Senate giving a speech on the snout. The first sentence was Quo usque tandem abutere, Catiline, patientia nostra? , meaning Catiline you get weary, do not you know? A little later in the speech, getting up and fleeing with Catiline in the Senate between boos, Cicero, and indignant, yelled O tempora! O mores! , proving once again that humans always think that any past was better and that every moment of history, have always thought that the honorable traditions of the past were lost.

All this leads me to say that, yes, friends, the boni mores should never miss. So I declare solemnly that I have decided to continue disguising over and over again with the same outfit Disco Boy , despite criticism. When you do not like, do not look. I said.

2004 - Murcia

Fighting Pocholo


River With


Leaving worship by Murcia

2008 -

Eagles Tribute to Jackson

2009 - S / C de Tenerife

New worshipers

Monday, February 23, 2009

Watch Scrubs On Iphone

Hurt added to the previous post (Jesus's death)

Few things annoy me more in the world of written communication via the Internet that people who write in capitals to give the impression you are shouting. Yes, indeed, give the impression that you're screaming and yelling you can now go to the shell of your mother ...

But this time I will not be able to dodge that resource, because until I shouted. Since we were talking about idiotic things unacceptable and that several leaders of the IMM and the Ministry of Interior would have to be smeared with acid (sulfuric) in its most sensitive, is that today I came on foot from Old Town to Parque Rodo, listening to the Mountain Goats and enjoying the last gasps of summer when I noticed something really quite obvious: ALL THE GRANITE WALL OF RAMBLA SOUTH, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL IN THIS RAMBLA MONTEVIDEO is scribbling SHIT DONE FROM START TO FINISH BY THE SON OF MIL PUTAS FULL OF SYPHILIS gangrene that I decided to give the Gospel to their degenerate CITYWIDE.

is, literally ALL of the wall (and adjacent columns and floor) are covered with phrases like "Jesus was facing you," "Jesus loves running," "Come to Jesus", "Jesus is a hippie damn that would be thrown up Valizas "(that is but anytime I add) and other addresses the Essene who made crazy madness, demagogy and ignorance contagious. I had not noticed before in this segment of the promenade and I think these graffiti are relatively new, but for months, I think more than a year, than other parts of this wonderful avenue of granite are scribbled from start to finish by UNDIGNIFIED UNHAPPY ONE UP TO EUTHANASIA (the letter and errors checkers are always the same). Now, such an undertaking he must have taken hours or days of work. "PATRULLERO NEVER HAPPENED ONE FUCKING HAPPENS AND IF NOT STRIP FOR RAMBLA as it should AT LEAST YOU TARGET THE BRUSH IN THE ORTHO, YOU LOSE SOME TEETH AND THE GOAL IN THE VILARDEBO? CRIME WHAT CAN BE DONE IT'S KNOWN TO Defacing for hours and days RAMBLA SOUTH WITH ALL QUOTES FOR DELAYED IN WHITE PAINT? "Sitting naked by the obelisk tip? FUCK WHAT YOU SAY 'VANDALISM' these hierarchs BLIND OR AS BUTTONS IN THEIR HOMES THAT DO NOT GO THROUGH ONE OF THE MOST VISIBLE WAY OF THE CITY? So psychopathic painter has been said that the Rambla Sur is one of those places most exposed of the city and so I chose to print his disgusting message there, WHERE THE FUCK WERE LOOKING GRAY? If all the Rambla is now liberated territory then alert you, and I'm walking on the other. And once

elucidated the mystery of why that guy could enchastrar to pork ALL the cutest walk without a cane Montevideo kill him a deserved health rifle shot or at least shut him for a thousand years, I would clarify another mystery: IMM WHEN WILL CLEAN PAINTED THESE OBSCENE, OFFENSIVE imbeciles and LAY IN A COUNTRY OR ANY COUNTRY TO RESPECT YOURSELF A LITTLE BIT?

When they stop counting the extra two million dollars just to pay him eleven live ADEOM they realized that the Departmental Board approved that fortunate wage agreement (which led to the messy breakup municipal strike of 2002-2003) when the crisis broke out and was oligophrenic committing to automatically adjust wages when the parties stop sucking each other as a celebration for being leaders of a city of cuckolds that do not check to kicked out of office, well, when the party ends, it would be good for Ehrlich and company pull each other's hair whiskers stop and grab a bucket of paint thinner. His alleged subordinates, of ADEOM so long ago they put the saddle, and who are the real owners of the IMM-I doubt very much they want to soil their hands, so I hope that the leaders have a minimum of decency and will Rambla clear that, like the rest Montevideo, have been left in the dirt, in this case religious, for the worse.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Customize My Ownreal Bmx


this repopulation has been called off for the March 8,
be held Sunday, March 15 at 11 pm in the Town Hall square.

Plantation in a stream with banks the following species:

  • Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia)

  • Bardaguera (Salix atrocinerea)

  • white twill (Salix salviifolia)

  • Majuelo (Crataegus monoyna)

  • Almendros (Prunus dulcis) on country road in the village.

Casarrubuelos To get from Madrid: Take the A-42 (Toledo Road), once is exceeded Torrejón de la Calzada continue as 2.5 miles and take exit 30 A to the M-417, when you reach the fork keep right and follow. Upon reaching Casarrubuelos turn left onto María Jesús García Zazo, then turn right on Main Street continue until the municipality.

planting results.

convened by the AMPA and ARBA Casarrubuelos Madrid-Sur, involving about 20 people, including adults and children, being the whole of participation exist, demonstrating their conviction participants recover this stream segment. After planting, was organized a meal there, then what is planted watered with a hose. The AMPA be maintained by planting, watering it once every two weeks .

planted about 10 ash trees, willows, 5, 15 and 15 almond vine in the stream of the gully in Casarrubuelos, (Madrid).

The AMPA-Madrid Casarrubuelos and South ARBA organized every year stocking in streams of this town of Madrid, to reforest all the rivers of the municipality.

hope that this first planting in deforested stream south of Madrid, serve as an example and encouragement to other persons residing in this region and organize other plantings. Together we can recover the ancient coastal forests of these channels.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dragonballz Bedsheets

El diccionario - dictionary

al-Qamus. Everything has its reason, folks. When one takes a long time to update your blog , for instance close, often because they put you in a pink wig head clown and kidnap you to attend a bachelor party in Granada . There have been cases, come on.

I'll give you another example to illustrate that things do not happen just because, that everything happens for a reason. Consider the following dialogue:

"I have to go to pogram And I'm fustrao . Acho, and what swarm trayo, Jeromin , I ate up a bat . "Ties cocretas ?
"Oh, the specimens , how come. Ponn, Grabi , cocretas quean I, but if a quies meatballs ...

From this conversation we can deduce several things: first, that Jerome is very good woman and do not want the pass Grabi hunger, and then the metathesis phenomenon appears before the utterance, when the speaker unconsciously orders are going to say, and he goes and tells it like it sounds more natural in your language. Why talk like that? Answer: a common linguistic phenomenon called metathesis . cocreta Grabi tell and laugh about him, but with alligator happened exactly the same in the s. XIII, was taken from the lat. crocodilus, and it's gr. Krokódeilos (cf. Press. crocodile), but did not work crocodile. Why? For the metathesis, therefore costing us say three sad tigers .

metathesis There are many examples that have been fixed in the language, although at the time were criticized by those who know Latin. Here are some examples of commonly used words:
Del lat. vg. * OBLĪTARE , formed with the part. OBLĪTUS the classic OBLIVISCI Ditto. Cf
: cat. oblidada , fr. oublier, Press. obliterate.
Before looking at you and Miraclo . Lat. Miraculum 'made admirable', deriv. of Mirari 'wonder', from which also comes from the cast. look . Cf
: Press., Cat. and fr. miracle, it. miracolo.
Del lat. Animalǐa , anǐmal plural 'beast'.
Metathesis a bat, which is expanding mur-blind, propter. 'Mouse blind ', from Lat. MUS , Muris 'mouse'. By the way, which is short bat the Murcio Nergal 'thief', 1609, who was given this name by acting at night, and those were the Murcia and unsavory to Carlos III forbade wearing the English flag, which some would be in Murcia, I do not say no, but everything in place.
Earlier liquorice. Metathesis, from Lat. late LĬQUĬRĬTĬA , which is deformation of gr. Glykýrrhiza ( glykýs 'sweet' and Rhizo 'root'). Cf
: Press. liquorice, it. liquirizia , al. Lakritz ; but fr. Réglisse .
And many more, valid: danger (periculum) deliver (integrare), fragrant (fragrans,-tis), own (prŏprǐus) back (spatula), breaking (crěpare), widow (vǐdŭa) or invalid: * toothpaste , * gummies, * goler .

But it happens in all languages: English
  • , bird was bridd until the fifteenth century, and today many people pronounce comfortable like * comfterble, and ask like * aks. French
  • , "mosquito" is said moustique , and the word for "cheese" fromage , comes from the Latin formaticum (no metathesis in cat. formatge or it. formaggio, for example).

Finally, we must admit that what is valid today may well be tomorrow, whether we like it despite trying to be correct when speaking or writing. Happened in all ages and goes now, why everybody talks about sexual libido? I've always heard and read libido until ten years ago, but enough that someone mistook the pronunciation of the adjective livid, that has nothing to do, and make antepenultimate word to say it now so all the world. Nothing assures me that, in a hundred years, put no etymological dictionaries:

lust, 1438, or libido, s. XXI. Taken from Lat. libido-ǐnis, 'desire', 'inordinate desire, sensuality', deriv. of free 'like'. Floor flat to the s. XX tonic change under the influence of parófono livid.

And say: suckling pig has often released after so long. Look, yes, what can we do, but I like this. Is there who likes Alex Ubago? Well, that, that everything has to be ...