Thursday, December 4, 2008

How To Make Flat Earrings

Farewell Comrade

I wake up with the news that President Vázquez resigned from the Socialist Party, saying he was "pained" by his rejection of the 46 th Congress his veto of the Reproductive Health Act or legalization of abortion. Vázquez met, despite being still in power, with one of his favorite political games: the threat of desertion, which had appeal to the FA to serve their whims over the past fifteen years. Abandoned his party because it was consistent with its policy on the issue, Vázquez defined since before entering the Socialist Party in 1983.

worth remembering that date -1983 income, just two years before the return to democracy, "because it explains the utter ease with which Vázquez, the great leader of the left, crossed the military dictatorship without being labeled as ciudano B or C and occupying even a statewide office. In fact, a year before joining the PS, Vazquez had represented Uruguay-and its state at that time, in the course of cancer research XI. In 1986, when most of the main tables of FA had just returned from exile or out of prison, looking to reintegrate economically in their country, became a wealthy businessman health with two colleagues to buy 75% of actions now called COR Clinic. But if there had been a leftist or resistant during the dictatorship, it had been president of football club progress since 1979, and had the unusual luck to win the championship this table Uruguay in 1989. Shortly before, as treasurer of the Vote campaign Green "campaign was poorly promoted, part of a huge failure, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe president of a small painting class neighborhood boy who beats the big immediately caught the imagination maracanístico Uruguayan frontage, especially in the most leftists who wanted to avoid at all costs that the candidate was the more moderate (but with a majority of votes) Hugo Batalla - which took him from the gallery as a candidate for the IMM despite being a socialist, FA abandoning the tradition of presenting only independent candidates, "and the doctor won.

When a checked against the dates and rate of rise of the FA Vázquez and his nomination as candidate for the IMM, it is easy to one conclusion: Vazquez was only five years of political activism during the same year -1989 - was doomed more than anything to make champions to progress, which pays something I always believed: that year was Frente Montevideo, as it still is despite the appalling efforts of Vazquez and Arana (at least the second), and would have won even if he had nominated Ronald McDonald as a candidate. But that was never apparent to the leadership of the FA to be buttoned with the idea that the doctor was his figurine winner and was ceding power to make the president of his strength first (moving to the heroic figure of Liber Seregni) and then the country. That unanimously considered essential Vazquez (a concept which in itself should have been fought in a political force based on the collective consensus) allowed to accumulate power and block any possibility of promotion of younger figures or better curriculum militant. Historical control his weapon of force was the threat of defection, which came to do (briefly) in 1997.

Perhaps this accumulation of power has been the glue that kept the FA together all these years, but also led the transformation of the coalition a force prudish, conservative and clearly demagogic and populist tone. During his administration of the IMM, Vazquez planted all time bombs that explode years later, giving a totally disproportionate number of privileges to municipal workers without seeking the slightest consideration or quality control work in return. As a candidate, Vazquez imitated the style of religious preachers, replacing voluntarism and metaphors suggested by Berret, appealing mainly to women voters, especially the older women who saw it as charming and sexy, and introducing the generic rearrangement "Uruguayan Uruguayan. " After being dismantled in a debate with the perfidious and always intelligent Julio Maria Sanguinetti, Vazquez consistently refused to discuss any other candidate, but went on to make an offer to Jorge Batlle debate when it became clear that it was the favorite in the 1999 elections. During all that time was characterized by favoring or bringing down of His grace to any figure or voice left him questioning. Gap A report on a negotiated rather murky involving his son meant that the leader of the left finally stop talking to media outlet on the left more thoughtful, critical and educated. That veto was never raised except for a brief (and necessary in electoral terms) written interview granted in the 2004 season. Meanwhile the child had no problem in granting dozens of interviews as a means conservative who requested it.

practically no left-wing militant has been more or less thinking that rejected his catechist demagogic style and way of driving through blackmail, but the conviction of the essentials of her figure always kept him at the head of the party and the presidential bid. Before winning election in 2004, Vazquez had already lost twice, rather than in any other country would destroy the race of a candidate, but he continued to rely on him. When he won, with a majority of 1% Uruguay was still immersed in the worst crisis of its history, which had virtually disintegrated and his Colorado Party electoral enormous wealth. However, the FA just won, and all his paintings was agreed that a large part credited with Vazquez, who I repeat had already lost twice. About

praxis Vazquez as president I do not talk, because much has been said, but would be nice if someone pointed me to a truly progressive as can be awarded to his initiative, not the party, "the images that I come to mind first are always moving the statue of Wojtyla to a preferential and free ninguneo the assumption of first president Latin American Indian.

And now resigned and intriguing old Socialist Party, the party managed to run for the IMM over nobles and prepared candidates when there was only a football manager. He resigned because the Socialist Party decided, for once in the last twenty years, to be more socialist than Vazquistas and not support him in his stubborn and authoritarian betrayal of the will of any political force. Resignation and withdrew their support a year before elections, when the party really need his charisma Berreta as figurehead.

Well, Fuck. They created and enthroned, and now have to take a sitz bath to soothe the pain of his abandonment without ever having had the opportunity to throw dignity, as befits someone who betrays the tenets of most of its strength. Today was heard on the radio to complain Monica Xavier and other figures of the PS, and offer an open hand for the doctor to return to the house they emptied of meaning and caught fire. Now have a nice big empty space to evaluate it delegated to a conservative man, medium, authoritarian and vindictive, that leaves them when they most need, for daring to disobey him and when he has obtained the same all I could get. Again no joy were the party of Emilio Frugoni and now this thing dying before the start of a Catholic millionaire Mason: Fuck that.


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