The list of Peter
time ago produced a list of signatures of people who claimed publicly to be aware or have been involved in an abortion, as leverage for the legalization of same. We were hundreds or thousands who signed several times I went to the site to check the names on it. I found many familiar names that made me feel part of a community. Other Uruguay. Today
me so with a cause apparently more superficial, frivolous, organized the collection of signatures on the blog to get Channel 5 will break the curse of all programs related to Cha Cha Cha and issue the bright Peter Capusotto and his videos . I signed, but I'm entering the site and reviewing the signatures, comments and enthusiasm of hundreds of people willing to expose your personal data only for enjoy a comedian who is on fire and no one treats us as substandard. I love finding the names of my friends in that list, I love finding names of people who do not appreciate but that from now on I will consider more. Firms continue to add up and I think back to that other Uruguay and that there are still people who will not let me be quite misanthropic. As Capusotto, as they decided to get off your ass and demand a clean space on television. I would say zambayonny , I consider them my brothers.
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