Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Lump On The Side Of My Leg
The past few days were pretty depressing me, not for personal reasons, but environmental. The classic National Peñarol soccer broke all records possible saturation, came to occupy space in the media implausible even if one does not compare with null spaces, like the one devoted to the death of Robert Rauschemberg one of the greatest conceptual artists of the twentieth century. The main reason for this explosion of rampant stupidity was a Peñarol reformulated as a showcase for the team of Paco Casal, who has missed the biggest and thickest of its "moral dust" in the ass of aurinegros for the first time in recent five years is not as remote a possibility to leave impoverished Uruguayan championship champion. Peñarol fans being the most numerous "under protest to the bags, and consumer, business for vendors of smoke and the parasites that live off the waste of power football and the so-called journalists become targets bottles unconditional especially those who know the current ID picture-in at some point played great Fernando Morena - with the Mafia monopoly Casal and plates of a million dollars. The mafia that feeds them in exchange for a tete functionality and eventual subservient. Servers that make unbelievable efforts to maintain the illusion not only that the Uruguayan soccer still have a global significance, but which is still an entertaining show.
I write this with discomfort, the end of the day used to go almost every weekend out there and I still like to see a good football game or play (something that's been years since I, unfortunately), but I will not open an umbrella as any fault with the intelligentsia popular phenomena: the (in) football culture, something that has nothing to do with sports, must be rejected and fought with the same severity with which it rejected in civilized areas neo-Nazi organizations or fundamentalist. To me, any distinctive football should be banned, as an object of hatred and division, in the fields of education with the same severity-and right-to which France is banning the use of the veil to the students or religious symbols. In fact he should be punished more severely the Peñarol wear an emblem of that carrying a swastika: the end of the Uruguayans killed anyone on behalf of the swastika and only in recent ten years there at least five people killed in the name of Peñarol, some of them, as the fan was stabbed Cerro ten subhuman in front of his son, with extraordinary cruelty. Forget the blatant lie that says that "there are ten or eleven misfits who shit all, most is not so." I heard a whole stands to sing this " how can I forget / when we kill the hen / how can I forget / was the best thing that happened in life." They might be a dozen lunatics who actually nailed it bottlenecks the opposite box fans, those who are morally permitted thousands. And not just Peñarol, is the same with the National swollen, Hill, Basanez and any of the tables whose swollen boast about their endurance and their gratuitous violence and cowardly.
The degree of media hypocrisy of this is amazing, with an example of an anthology on the cover of the newspaper El Pais last Tuesday, two days after the newspaper found no match in the world a better cover a large photo Technician winning classic Mario Saralegui , happily watching the previous day's front page reproduced, of course, Carlos Bueno. The scoring hung a large Saralegui thought: " had told them not to kill, had to beat them." One can argue the absurdity of devoting the cover photo of a newspaper to a football game that has already happened 48 hours ago-an eternity in journalistic terms, and already gave him a cap, what is absolutely undisputed is that a monstrosity that below this note so happy Saralegui read the headline: "Matan a tricolor swells the cry of 'chicken' " referring to the veteran who killed four kicks lumpen in La Paz. Someone should have told someone that covers more than that devoted to Peñarol sell many copies, the second note nullified as possible to the first: there was a choice that was in front, the two are not. It is, put it mildly, a little unclean.
I prefer to win Ombudsman to win another football team, and I do not only because it is the picture I chose my childhood but also because I associate it with a neighborhood that I like and where I live and an institution of which I am a member and participating actively and positively in the life of the community in which it is inserted. If this year defender gets the Uruguayan championship I will enjoy very much, not only because it is the team of my sympathy but because he would be making this Peñarol knees, Pacoñarol, the very symbol of corruption, ignorance and all what I dislike the Uruguayans. But when I'm not following a championship I do not care how he will advocate and not only violent but I would not even bother me with a stranger for not being ombudsman or wear the shirt of a potential rival. If seems to me that what defines me as a person is a follower of the Ombudsman, then it would cease to be, because it seems too little too passive. I prefer to win the Ombudsman and not another picture, but I'm not on the court, I do not win anything, I am a voyeur of a respectable sporting triumph or sorrow of failure. That is, I'm Defender (or picture that is) as ontological quality, I voluntarily reduced to a subservient role ridiculously.
Although the number of metaphors have sexual vocabulary similar to a football novel Lissardi Ercole, I like, much more, if we have to clarify it, take that football or watch it go, I feel better, part of something, or else person even, and not just a fucking voyeur. But I'm not feathering the world with information on who I picked and in what position. Almost no one does, unless it is a terminal and despicable fool. I also like music more than football, but do not go with a flag The Handsome Family or King Crimson , ready to break in the head who prefer to or Wilco Procol Harum . However, the contagious pestilence soccer culture has begun to get this started to be frequent. The musicians found that is good business, because the hardcore fans of football as the entry pay even though the show is painful, and they have encouraged, inspired writing the swollen and in formats that can adapt to them. The flare at the time ordered by Spinetta became the main emblem of the bands who followed him. Well, until he died a lot of people by the criminal ritual, but of course the fault is not football nor of those who played their rituals, it is politicians or others, as always.
No There is no manifestation of totalitarianism, religious intolerance at its worst sense, and fascism in everyday life amassed more blatant and explicit culture (so is everyone calling it an oxymoron) soccer. There is also have a severe mental impairment may not see direct connections to the same blatant political reactionary, if not with fascism, it is no secret that football fans in Europe became the ideal areas for the infiltration of neo-fascist groups and almost geometric growth. Anyone who is not deliberately looking the other way you can see the stands of the stadiums are a means to gain more Audible thoughts xenophobic, racist or more reactionary nationalism. And that's nothing, does anyone believe that an oligarch unfriendly and not terribly sharp as Mauricio Macri could be governor of Buenos Aires if Boca is not the most popular soccer club in Argentina? What did the doctor Mason Vázquez to step over dozens of militants most heroic and brilliant resume to become the leader of the Frente Amplio have gotten except champion and leader of a football team?
When a little over a year died Eduardo Darnauchans , an artist and a man known However, only one of five daily Montevideo granted his home. A writer of the caliber of Juceca even that failed to die. But a goal earned the repulsive character is Carlos Bueno the cover of the five. Which is predictable does not prevent it absurd. Yes, indeed, is the classic cops protest old professor of literature, but what happens is that in a culture in which even the writers are willing to make the pijudo publishing books about football and proclaiming to the four winds his knowledge of football ( as her books usually betray their ignorance of the literature), literary culture itself has become something of teachers of literature, and the concept of "professor of literature" has become inseparable from the "old fart" (whatever the sex of the teacher). No wonder such a defeat when almost all that are supposed to defend the true intellect and culture, pursued by the acriticism muscle-flexing in the market, are so concerned about maintaining his masculine image and integrated phenomena. We already know, you have to be Hemingway, Borges not there to stop being the nerd bullies available to athletes, we must make clear that the exercise of the mind brutalized all-terrain understanding of male interests, we must make clear that, in addition to writing books, one is caught minitas and one is a man of action. When Umberto Eco -who ultimately is a major cultural integrity of literary theory, thought to ask why I had to join the carnival of the last World Cup in Italy, why she had to interest if, instead , almost nobody was interested in his beloved medieval literature, the queuing to putearlo opinólogos for his autism. Including several letters. Today that does not happen, because even these simple questions have been devoured by the thought. But there is always a mohawk.
If a major artist that never mattered to me in life this must be Nick Cave, I am sure that the guy likes the same things I, hear the same records and his approach to art is as sincere, but I am not convinced. As a teenager I had a wonderful aesthetic shock when in Buenos Aires a very convincing salesman made between recordings of Joy Division and The Clash we were to take the Junkyard Birthday Party of . Those who had bought months we spent smoking dope and listening to that album in awe a little frightened, making listening to our friends that mysterious orb which was much more violent and ugly than anything we heard in our life. To this day the Birthday Party's work amazes me, but does not move me (as they do other major negative and Throbbing Gristle, Big Black or Jesus Lizard). Instead, Cave solo work often touches me ('Into my arms ' I always can), but I wonder, on the contrary, I very quickly palls. Few things I have explained several times in my life that my little affinity with the work of Cave, everyone imagines, however, that fascinates me.
Well, that said, what little I am excited about their music does not stop to consider a Cave like a bright guy and a great interviewee, and in an article in Zona de Obras confirms me in some responses that I reproduce here (with editing mistakes included) and that relate to the above:
, have four children, right?
"Yes, two of sixteen and two of seven. The little ones are twins. The sixteen are of different mothers.
- What do you think of your father? You think you know that you are not the typical father?
"I suppose ... I think they like me. I think you know I'm not like the father of her friends.
"But I guess they know what you've done in your life. Even less desirable things.
"The truth is that when I leave my children at school I see parents who looked much less desirable than mine. Their lives had to be worse than mine. The way those of my generation had to give up the ass to our parents was taking many drugs and music. The use of technology is what separates us now from our children.
- Do you think the current generation can do things much more dangerous to your generation technology with drugs and music?
"Possibly, yes.
"Maybe then taking drugs and listening to music gives you more culturally to play the fool in front of the TV or being on the Internet 24 hours a day ... "Exactly. I would be much more painful to see my son coming in the door with a side cap a bitch and a fucking shirt of a football team and a six pack of beer under his arm to watch the game on TV, they discover that is chipping heroin in his room because at least I can understand the latter. At the end end up saying: "What the hell have I done wrong in life that have brought you a hooligan the world?". I prefer a drug addict to someone who has no brain, really.
How simple, how clear, but there is no detox clinics of idiocy, no classes in elementary school would be alert to the danger of becoming a barra brava. I like football, I do not mean to open the umbrella: I like the way I like a good horror movie Beretta, but that does not make me part of any fraternity of mentally retarded. Do not think that has horrified the world in the name of Dracula, the end of the creature as fanciful as the love of professional football players who wear the shirt. My conception of community in this country is based on invented Varela, José Pedro but , not Obdulio . Not that they are exclusive, but when one of these archetypes becomes the measure of all things, preferring the other sounds, inevitably, as an opposition. And maybe it is.
words: sorry, for me there is a feeling, and if it were, might as well stop. This is what we homo sapiens, those elitists.
Is It Possible To Relax Hennaed Hair
The press reports of the destruction of Humanejos stream, passing through the vicinity of the Hospital de Parla.
PEOPLE IN MADRID 8 to May 15, 2008
The Consistory
denies making WORKS IN THE ARROYO
A vent in the brook Humanejos
ARBA complaint that the construction of Infanta Cristina has affected the flow
Recovery Association Native Forest (ARBA-Madrid South) has reported on its website that the construction of Infanta Cristina Hospital near the creek Humanejos "has caused a tremendous environmental impact" because it affects one of the stretches of river "most ecologically valuable." According
association complaint in the stream segment that affects the hospital to live 105 species of birds, of which 55 are breeding, as well as 22 species of wintering birds, ten species migratory path and eighteen species present erratically. ARBA
complains that the construction of the road that leads to the hospital "has caused the total destruction of riparian forest accompanying the stream in this stretch. "He also notes that the bed of the stream has been altered and now those waters have contaminated" the entire water system of the stream, since, according to their statements, poured from the hospital "without previous purification "." They have turned the flow in a sewer outside, "he says.
For its part, the first deputy mayor, José María Fraile, said that" no work has been undertaken by the City "in the stream the height of the Hospital, except "the pipeline of the same on its way down the road that leads to the Hospital, which was approved by the Tagus River Basin.
PEOPLE IN MADRID 8 to May 15, 2008
The Consistory
denies making WORKS IN THE ARROYO
A vent in the brook Humanejos
ARBA complaint that the construction of Infanta Cristina has affected the flow
Recovery Association Native Forest (ARBA-Madrid South) has reported on its website that the construction of Infanta Cristina Hospital near the creek Humanejos "has caused a tremendous environmental impact" because it affects one of the stretches of river "most ecologically valuable." According
association complaint in the stream segment that affects the hospital to live 105 species of birds, of which 55 are breeding, as well as 22 species of wintering birds, ten species migratory path and eighteen species present erratically. ARBA
complains that the construction of the road that leads to the hospital "has caused the total destruction of riparian forest accompanying the stream in this stretch. "He also notes that the bed of the stream has been altered and now those waters have contaminated" the entire water system of the stream, since, according to their statements, poured from the hospital "without previous purification "." They have turned the flow in a sewer outside, "he says.
For its part, the first deputy mayor, José María Fraile, said that" no work has been undertaken by the City "in the stream the height of the Hospital, except "the pipeline of the same on its way down the road that leads to the Hospital, which was approved by the Tagus River Basin.
ARBA-Madrid From South, we believe that the first deputy mayor of the European Parliament can not deny the execution of works in the stream Humanejos, as stated in previous news, because the channeling of this section of stream channel is itself a work, which has severely damaged the environment of this natural area of \u200b\u200bParla, an excellent pass sweeping riparian forest adjacent to the work unnecessarily.
On the other hand, nothing says the representative of the City of Parla the quality of water that flows into the creek hospital, perhaps because the water fecal shedding do it without debugging.
Parla The coveted Hospital was built under the guise of promoting health, apparently ignoring the environmental health of the immediate environment and has become a river bed of great ecological value in a real sewer without any qualms.
The above statements by the representative of the City of Parla, are thus misleading and is to discredit themselves.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Direct Rewards Platinum Discover Points
few days ago I was fascinated by a pocket watch with chain saw in a house, a wonderful object possibly the second or third decade of the twentieth century, with a car at the time stamped on the cover . I liked him so much that I posed for a photo.
Days later I told my mother, who shares with me this fascination with things anachronistic and I said "but you you have a pocket watch chain." I was surprised, because it was something I had no idea, and she explained that it saved "for me because my family apparently objects of man, as the revolver was talking about in a previous post, is inherit from man to man, the pocket watch of my grandfather, an engineer, his father. Then show me: it is a Longines from the mid 20's with a sleek art-deco engraving on the cap which are also embossed initials of my grandfather. It is possibly one of the most beautiful objects I've ever seen and is made almost entirely of gold. I give him rope and works perfectly.
asked me if I take it and I realize that I'm afraid, there is too much karma in this object absolutely impossible to use. Perhaps one day an eccentric, which would put a jacket (which only did it twice in my life), could use a pocket watch, but not one so golden, so dear, so excessive and full of pathos generation. Although my mother did not remember, review dates and confirm one thing: the watch was given to my grandfather when he was an engineer. My grandfather was the son of an Italian butcher, who came from Genoa with a woman, a half-empty suitcase, a mustache and a suit, and Uruguay got-another-that all sons obtain their degrees. The most notorious was my grandfather, who became director of works of the Municipality of Montevideo, working with Mayor Barbato German of legendary asceticism is not inherited. Asceticism which he shared my grandfather so much that he dedicated his career to public activities (a bad business decision for an engineer), which was not even a handle, not a privilege, not a charge to the family, no enemy. Was the person with less material needs met in my life to be happy you reached lunch with family, watch a movie on TV at night, out for a walk in the afternoon, drink a glass of wine, fix (usually bad) things that broke domestically and listen to operas recorded on cassette Sodre emissions. Nothing more.
My grandfather was nominally a right man, but his identification with the first vareliano batllismo and Uruguay, had given an egalitarian conception so complete that today would be considered a leftist. One of his greatest pride was to have built public swimming pools of Trouville, where my mother and tens of thousands of Uruguayans have learned to swim free, and that a left-wing mayor covered with cement to gain a few meters to leases profitable ventures private. Montevideo Canelones linked to leading the expansion works Gianattasio Avenue and built the lake promenade of Rodo Park quarries, that remains one of the most beautiful places across the city. He shook hands with Albert Einstein , when he visited the School of Engineering.
And when he became an engineer, gave him this watch is impossible to use in this century, which bears the initials of its Italian name, which marks the hours of another time and another country, as dead and forgotten as he, a softly tano, peeled and loves his city, the engineer Osvaldo A. Dematteis.
few days ago I was fascinated by a pocket watch with chain saw in a house, a wonderful object possibly the second or third decade of the twentieth century, with a car at the time stamped on the cover . I liked him so much that I posed for a photo.
Days later I told my mother, who shares with me this fascination with things anachronistic and I said "but you you have a pocket watch chain." I was surprised, because it was something I had no idea, and she explained that it saved "for me because my family apparently objects of man, as the revolver was talking about in a previous post, is inherit from man to man, the pocket watch of my grandfather, an engineer, his father. Then show me: it is a Longines from the mid 20's with a sleek art-deco engraving on the cap which are also embossed initials of my grandfather. It is possibly one of the most beautiful objects I've ever seen and is made almost entirely of gold. I give him rope and works perfectly.
asked me if I take it and I realize that I'm afraid, there is too much karma in this object absolutely impossible to use. Perhaps one day an eccentric, which would put a jacket (which only did it twice in my life), could use a pocket watch, but not one so golden, so dear, so excessive and full of pathos generation. Although my mother did not remember, review dates and confirm one thing: the watch was given to my grandfather when he was an engineer. My grandfather was the son of an Italian butcher, who came from Genoa with a woman, a half-empty suitcase, a mustache and a suit, and Uruguay got-another-that all sons obtain their degrees. The most notorious was my grandfather, who became director of works of the Municipality of Montevideo, working with Mayor Barbato German of legendary asceticism is not inherited. Asceticism which he shared my grandfather so much that he dedicated his career to public activities (a bad business decision for an engineer), which was not even a handle, not a privilege, not a charge to the family, no enemy. Was the person with less material needs met in my life to be happy you reached lunch with family, watch a movie on TV at night, out for a walk in the afternoon, drink a glass of wine, fix (usually bad) things that broke domestically and listen to operas recorded on cassette Sodre emissions. Nothing more.
My grandfather was nominally a right man, but his identification with the first vareliano batllismo and Uruguay, had given an egalitarian conception so complete that today would be considered a leftist. One of his greatest pride was to have built public swimming pools of Trouville, where my mother and tens of thousands of Uruguayans have learned to swim free, and that a left-wing mayor covered with cement to gain a few meters to leases profitable ventures private. Montevideo Canelones linked to leading the expansion works Gianattasio Avenue and built the lake promenade of Rodo Park quarries, that remains one of the most beautiful places across the city. He shook hands with Albert Einstein , when he visited the School of Engineering.
And when he became an engineer, gave him this watch is impossible to use in this century, which bears the initials of its Italian name, which marks the hours of another time and another country, as dead and forgotten as he, a softly tano, peeled and loves his city, the engineer Osvaldo A. Dematteis.
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