Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why Does It Say Unknown Caller

SQL Server how to fix the error Can not generate SSPI context

When you encounter this error "Can not generate SSPI context" when connecting to SQL Server or if this error is generated in the Event Viewer Server SQL Server can be caused by the following reasons:

1. Time differences between SQL Server and the client tries to connect

2. Time zone differences between SQL Server and the client tries to connect

3. Differences in hours between SQL Server and the domain controller

4. No record was made for SQL Server SPN, the SPN is used by Kerberos.

An SPN for SQL Server consists of the following:

  • ServiceClass : It identifies the general class of service. This is always MSSQLSvc for SQL Server.
  • Host: This is the DNS domain name of the computer you are running SQL Server.
  • Puerto : This is the port number on which the service is listening.

For example, a typical SPN for a computer running SQL Server is:


Once these SetSPN SPN with the command, you should check the configuration of DNS servers, for this run the ping command and ping SQLServer-a [IPaddress] these commands must respond appropriately server name and the corresponding IP. If this is not the case then you should fix your DNS so that the security of SQL Server to function properly.

When you start an instance of SQL Server service is running under a domain account, it tries to register its own SPN in Active Directory using an API call DsWriteAccountSpn. If the call is unsuccessful, the following warning is logged in Event Viewer:

MSSQLServer EventID: 19011 Description: SuperSocket Info: (SpnRegister): Error 8344.

To grant the SQL Server service to automatically configure the SPN can then follow these steps:

  • To configure the SQL Server service to create SPNs dynamically, you must modify the access control settings for the account in the Active Directory directory service. You must grant permissions "Read ServicePrincipalName" and "Write ServicePrincipalName" for the user running the SQL Server.

This configuration is done using the ADSI Edit, the following steps ( ):

  1. Click Home and Run, type Adsiedit.msc click OK .
  2. In the ADSI Edit snap, expand Domain [DomainName ] , expand DC = RootDomainName , expand CN = Users , click the right mouse button CN = AccountName and then click Properties .
  3. Table Properties dialog CN = AccountName , click the Security tab .
  4. Security tab , click Advanced .
  5. dialog box Advanced Security Settings, make sure CURRENT shown below Permission entries. CURRENT
    If not listed, click Add and then add CURRENT . In
  6. Permission entries, click CURRENT and then click Modify .
  7. dialog box Permission Entry, click the Properties tab .
  8. tab Properties, click This object only listed Apply, and then make sure the boxes for the following permissions are selected under Permissions :
    • ServicePrincipalName
    • Read Write ServicePrincipalName
  9. Click three times in OK and then quit the ADSI Edit.


Mr. Eduardo Castro Martínez, PhD - Microsoft SQL Server MVP

Costa Rica

Technorati Tags: SQL Server

LiveJournal Tags: SQL Server Tags: SQL Server

http://ecastrom. aspx

Cover Letter For Visual Communication

Reporting Services Reporting Services HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) in cluster environment

When you install Reporting Services in a NLB cluster using a virtual name to access it this can cause them to show the error HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) or the browser is a loop asking for user credentials.

To solve this problem you have two options:

1. Disable LoopBackCheck this is done in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Lsa and create a DWORD with the name DisableLoopbackCheck with a value of 1, this fixes the problem

  • Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
  • Locate the following registry key and click on it:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ LanmanServer \\ Parameters

  • On the Edit menu, click Add Value and add the following registry value:

    Value Name: DisableStrictNameChecking
    Data Type: REG_DWORD
    Base: Decimal Value
    : 1

  • In Registry Editor, locate the following key and then click it:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Lsa

  • Click the right mouse button (mouse) Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. Write
  • DisableLoopbackCheck and press Enter.
  • Right click DisableLoopbackCheck right-click and then click Modify.
  • In the Value data box, type 1 and click OK.
  • Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.

    2. Specify the name of the host headers, this is a preferred method.

  • Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
  • Locate the following registry key and click on it:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ LanmanServer \\ Parameters

  • On the Edit menu, click Add Value and add the following registry value:

    Value Name: DisableStrictNameChecking
    Data Type: REG_DWORD
    Base: Decimal Value
    : 1

    In Registry Editor, locate the following key and click on it:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Lsa \\ MSV1_0

  • Click the right mouse button MSV1_0 selected New, and then click Multi-String Value. Write
  • BackConnectionHostNames and press ENTER.
  • Click the right mouse button BackConnectionHostNames, and then click Modify.
  • In the Value data box, type the host name or virtual host name for sites that are on the local computer, and then click OK.

  • Watch Los Hombres De Paco Season 1

    Performance Optimization of SQL Server 2008 Event

    I share this presentation we used in the WebCast on Performance Optimization of SQL Server 2008. The presentation can be viewed on .



    Mr. Eduardo Castro Martínez, PhD - Microsoft SQL Server MVP

    Costa Rica

    Technorati Tags: SQL Server

    LiveJournal Tags: SQL Server Tags: SQL Server

    Soft During Menstruation

    Face Denali


    The Community IT Training invites you to SQL Server 2011 Morning Denali to be held this Thursday March 24 at 8:00 am in the Auditorium of the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica.

    Microsoft SQL Server code-named "Denali" is the new version of SQL Server which includes changes to mission-critical solutions through a scalable and highly available. In this event we will see the following topics:
    1. SQL Server 2011 New Features and Denali vNext features. In this session we will see major improvements in SQL Denali present will be covered aspects such as T-SQL enhancements, high availability HADR changes, new tools for monitoring and performance improvements.
    2. SQL Server 2011 Business Intelligence Denali vNext. In this session we will see the improvements that has SQL Server 2011 with regard to business intelligence, such as improvements in SSIS, Data Quality Services, Column Indexes Store, and PowerPivot Bism.

    To attend must register at the following address


    Windows Community