Monday, December 28, 2009

Green Phlem Should You See A Doctor

La cresta - custom

'urf al. Dear friends, tras el Most Ach the two 007 y el Patillo the toilet 2 008 , Angela Channing, Lorenzo Lamas, Mixed r T y yo we are pleased to convene en el ... (fanfares strident)

The Number of the mill and nine N del tro S enyor:

S saver and makes them a bully who nel F alcon this alliste and participate quissieren ca ovrán d'ovservar and regard with great jealousy aqueftas REGULAR :
  1. P be the face ode pin disposal indoors rather complacent and big mustaches, while villages, but avra a crest in vostro Pora testuz grand day in prayer dezima repast. N on avra sussodicha be permitted in the dinner, therefore, that people like della without ridges. L a pin and a beard, so each qual to taste. D ios, the landlord will be glad lorsque divisse leave us! Q omne complex ow, for the sake of ₢ iador! D abaxo, it regulates is the date fixada, and others pray and Logar, but will be in M urcia çipdat. O well aquefto id, complete male, non hi you will regret!

  2. I UFTAA while the crest would be appreciated. S e faze assi assi and I send you:

    1. C ada hi omne or bellowed that is present but not involved , if any Oviesse, granted his note to all hi crests present, and des of the . i. Fasten . V. be. S i non, nothing.
    2. C bravo ada assimesmo cast votes, but haiga a Difference: HOW many votes cast crests axenic Haig, one vote per outcrop. E n aviendo . Viii. bullies, each issue qual. Vii. votes, and points to the des. I. Fasten . Vii. is and agar. E assi.
    3. E l innkeeper's the muggy, or what the table is who cares and serves , ca appropriate hurdle, with own opinion, so mui to taste, . Iii. knights and bon meliora comples with crests. V aquefto wing. V. points ca, bad Pesse us to such comples avressemos men give.

  3. S ea ganyador, is the F alcon this , that brave omne malior recevable scoring points.

  4. S EPADES that, while incidental, consequential and with great onor, is the ganyador Inbit to dinner by the crested Reft, to more than the drinks essa desseare noch. E Degan grade: M bivades ots and happy days! , and D ios, and comm is either crested!

N obleça and gayardia are to receive. B Ien savemos all the thing that a ridge is bullshit non fazed Asin. Ca'l ₢ iador you save.



For crested confirmed:

At the time, will reserve a table for how we are: the

Saturday January 9 ,
to 10 pm ,
in Apóstolo Way.
T has had the delicacy to us the ad, but it has gone a little head. I put the video. If you want to see the translation of what Mr. T says, keep your mouse over the square that appears in the picture, bottom left:

PS future editions, we are left with few options capillaries, folks. Watch out, because they start getting the idea of \u200b\u200bholding force next year the Pubic Enemy or 2 010 ...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ceramic Towel Bar Ends Toronto

La sinceridad - openness

as-Saraha. I have much to live up dialectic of this child. Learn:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Shaving Causes Herpes

El espacio - Space

al-fa d A '. In Fog, de Unamuno, appears an attractive character, whose beautiful name is S. Antolin Paparrigopulos , who decides to draw up a list of all the writers who had been forgotten, either because of inequities in life or to be more bad than Paulo Coelho, but then trying to be comprehensive, must decide expand its research and develop an encyclopedia which were included all those who wrote books that only you know the title, finally, because of high justice and humanity, decides it is not enough, and just spending the rest of his life write the history of all those who, having thought of writing, never decided to do so.

Well, I think I was stupid small. See? Nothing happens, and I'm telling you. What can we do: I liked the space. The fact is that I possessed an effort similar to Paparrigopulos encyclopedic and dedicated myself to take the Salvat, volume by volume, and make a list of satellites -the- finished and, for that matter, an asteroid -I to the L- , but oh sad, I remember when the Voyager 2 passed Uranus and Neptune zillion new moons were discovered each -plus a few ring-, with what I screwed up at one stroke all the work done. Since then, harbor hatred toward unhealthy Voyager 2.

Anyway, I was interested in the size too. And even more distance. Oh the distances ... Friends, I have to tell you: we have always deceived the representations of the solar system, because the distances are so vast that it is impossible to draw to scale. I saw the pictures with well ordenadicos planets, one after the other, but then checked the distances of each of them the sun and I smelled something fishy. It was impossible that they were so in line, at regular intervals. By a simple calculation, I would get that Neptune was not a little beyond Jupiter , as it appeared in the drawing, but was five times farther from Jupiter than Jupiter himself the Earth . Why were deceiving me? Seriously, so great are the distances and what you can imagine. No, you can not!

A scale if the Earth were the size of a pea , Jupiter would be a whopping 300 m , and Pluto , which itself is not a planet, but I served as for example- would be 2.5 km. On the other hand, in the Milky Way there are 300,000 million stars, above one million, million below. Three hundred thousand million ... You see the pictures of distant galaxies and stars imagine the stupidity of all made a gurruño crowded, forming the spiral, but it is no, or joke, again the distances are so vast that we can not get used to the idea: at the same scale as before, with Earth reduced to the size of a Pea, the nearest star to us, Proxima Centauri would be about 16,000 km . And there more 299,999,999,999 stars in this galaxy, which, incidentally, is only one galaxy among 100,000 million galaxies that we can "see" from here ... Well, yes, not in vain as call space.

PD: Look how wonderful I found. A video showing how they would be heaven on Earth if we had rings like Saturn

PPD: And if you are bored, you can see this page , in which there who has bothered to put the solar system to scale. Give to the right, yes, I already ...