Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Denise Milani Pierced


Cerro de La Cantueña, winter 1991 ----------------------------------------------

------------------------------------ We appreciate the collaboration in the realization of this work the following people: Andres Revilla, Lola López, Juan Manuel Martinez and Eduardo Alcala, who kindly facilitated the identification of certain plant species.
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the ecological heritage.
The tertiary hills Cantueña, Buenavista and La Coronilla, located in the Madrid suburb of Parla, have argued for several different centuries traditional uses (livestock, agriculture, hunting, mining, etc..), which have been deteriorating slowly, being in the last decades when environmental degradation has gained significant momentum due to overgrazing, agricultural pesticide use, hunting legal and illegal (especially nowadays these hills to be besieged by all kinds of infrastructure) and open pit mining of sepiolite. But are these infrastructures and use of this natural area are the citizens that they are taking quickly to a state of total environmental degradation.
Yet these hills so stoic retain important ecological values \u200b\u200bto be retained extreme, as are an irreplaceable natural heritage.
Motocross eroded hillsides
The conservation of these values, certainly passes the environmental recovery of these hills, which should take into account the improvement of the ecosystems and the restoration of other missing such as Mancha kermes oak groves and oak.
The use of extensive grazing by sheep casual employment, to facilitate the recovery mature Retamares and grasslands, the introduction of organic farming, the elimination of legal and illegal hunting, and the prohibition of mining and management of public use of these hills, (eradication of motocross, landfills, etc..) are necessary steps that must be implemented urgently.
Any other intervention in this natural area, such as its transformation into an urban park (Parla Green Belt, Southern Forest, etc.) Would mean the destruction of the ecological processes that occur therein, in place of their irreplaceable natural assets, for recreational space devoid of them.
The ecological value of these hills, it has not hitherto been adequately assessed, to be granted an with great simplicity, lack of natural values, sometimes due to lack of interest in his discovery and in others by other interests to be defended.
For example, its large and varied flora home taxa of biogeographical interest, to provide for certain species, the western limit of its range in the Community of Madrid. This is the case albardine (Lygeum spartum).
This species, very little altered permeable soil, rocky, sandy, high accumulation of salts, is distributed by the western Mediterranean basin (eastern half of the Iberian Peninsula and Italy) and North Africa (from Morocco to Egypt) . Also share this characteristic biogeographic, among other species Valerianella locusta, Biscutella auriculata, Helianthemum asperum, Onobrychis Matritensis and Sideritis hirsuta.
albardine Like the sisallo (Salsola vermiculata) has great ecological value to be a key element of the means of the Mediterranean steppe, which occupies a prominent position in the bush communities halonitrófilos nitrophilous or by supporting good soil where they accumulate nitrates and salts. Also, it is a very hardy plant to heat stroke, heat and drought periods time, so that their presence in these hills is essential to prevent soil erosion.
Other taxa of great biogeographic, are constituted by endemism. Thus, nine (9) taxa appear in these limestone hills, which are the rough jarilla (Helianthemum asperum) sarsero thyme (Thymus zygis sylvestris), the trefoil (Lotus corniculatus carpetanus), thistle curly ( Carduus bourgeanus), the elegant cornflower (Centaurea ornata ornata), the quebrantaherraduras (Hippocrepis commutatta) gray sainfoin (Onobrychis Matritensis), the tuff (Onopordum nervosum) and quitameriendas (Merendera pyrenaica) are plants of the Iberian peninsula. The r
etam (Retama sphaerocarpa), grass of glasses (Biscutella auriculata), the common gatuña (Ononis spinosa australis) and the hornwort or mouse ear (Cerastium gracile) are four (4) Ibero-Mauritanian endemic are there in these hills, all of great ecological value. Despite being located these hills, on the western boundary of the province maestrazgo chorological Castilian-La Mancha, home to some species characteristic of the province, as they are, and Salsola spartum mentioned Lygeum vermiculata well as Fumana thymifolia, Matthiola fruticulosa fruticulosa , Plantago albicans, Salsola kali, Sideritis hirsuta and Stipa pennata eriocaulis.
also been recorded up to 264 botanical taxa , giving these hills an extraordinary ecological and educational importance. These species are described below.
addition, the traditional crops of almond and olive trees that have these peaks represent an irreplaceable heritage by providing a continuous link with the agricultural culture of the Iberian Muslim period, characterized by its uses agroforestry. Perhaps some of these trees were part of those secular tree crops, to be monumental several-hundred copies, giving itself a great ecological interest of these hills. Regarding the fauna, we must mention the existence of an animal group for their requirements green is seen as an undeniable and wonderful bioindicator of the environmental value of the above hills. We refer to the Lepidoptera.
Thus, these hills are home to more than 20 species different, being clearly greater than the total number inhabit, being currently under study.
Thus, according to studies, these hills are a refuge of choice for this group of animals, but especially for those with colonies disconnected, ie located in specific places and separated from others of its kind for many miles, being threatened the individuals who are for this reason and because of the low numbers.
Blancaverdirrayada the butterfly species (Euchloe belemia), is a magnificent example of this, as it occupies a restricted range in the Iberian Peninsula to the south of Portugal and Andalusia, with widely scattered colonies the center of the peninsula. Regionally, only been described in terms of Ciempozuelos, more than 15 miles away in a straight line. Evidencing the interest of this new town, located in these hills.
Another species, located in these hills is the Cardenillo (Tomares Ballus) distributed in colonies scattered throughout the southern and eastern half of the Iberian Peninsula; At the regional level, occupies the southern part of Madrid, with only eight colonies described, disperse and threatened, given the constrained nature of their habitat. The population discovered in these hills is of great entomological interest, which at the time, a more hope for the conservation of this endangered species.
Other species present in these hills, and the girl blue (Lysandra bellargus), has only three colonies described in the Community of Madrid, located in central South, with this new colony of great biogeographic interest parleña to set the limit West of the species in our region, assuming a new and hopeful plea for the conservation of the species. Other species such as
Fabiola (Agrodiaetus Escherichia), has located peninsular populations, due to present a limited habitat, being distributed in Madrid in the Guadarrama mountains and the southeast of the Community, so that the people of these hills can be seen as relict, isolated in the south of Madrid. These hills are also inhabited by the largest European moth, the great night Peacock (Saturnia pyri), listed in the Regional Catalogue of Threatened Species as "Special Interest." As in the case of the Lepidoptera, the other invertebrates is under study, having only described those species identified, the infinitely greater biodiversity.
Example of this are the molluscs, a group with a single species identified so far, Candidula intersect, but which is surely many other species. This species, a small snail, has its main distribution area in northwestern Spain, keeping small relict populations in the Community of Madrid, including this new parleños located in these hills.
Other invertebrates of interest are carnivorous arachnids and myriapods, "regulators of invertebrate density in the ecosystem-the Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera mentioned," irreplaceable pollinators in the reproduction of plants, others like dung beetles, which are fundamental in the process of decomposition of organic material, currently threatened by the shortage of ranching.
These species are good examples of the ecological importance of invertebrates in maintaining the ecological balance of the area, so their conservation and their ecosystems are vital.
Although scarce in number of species of vertebrates have been best studied for decades by the ease of location and species identification.
Thus, for example mammals, have a twelve (12) species, being approximately the number to be unidentified bats. This group is composed mainly of small mammals, having been eliminated macromammals long time ago.
As birds have been counted the number of invaluable ninety-one (91) species that appear throughout the year, being of great value in maintaining ecological stability by occupying niches varied ecological, of which eighteen (18) species appear sporadically, being 2 of them exotic origin. group passerines, with a staggering fifty-one (51) species is the largest in number of species. Also noteworthy is the group of birds of prey day with nine (9) species and nocturnal birds of prey three (3), ie twelve (12) species whole. The rest of the birds it is a diverse and interesting group of species. The reptiles with seven (7) species are a group of animals characteristic of these hills, although due to the unwarranted persecution they have suffered, are highly threatened animals that should receive special protection, being very important conservation of their habitats. For
Finally, according to Royal Decree 1193/1998 of 12 June, Thermo and preestépicos (Retamares Retamion sphaerocarpae) are listed in Annex I, as a kind of natural habitats of Community interest whose conservation is necessary to designate special areas conservation, so that the presence of such habitat in these mountains, should be considered as an ecological value that must be protected.
addition to ecological values \u200b\u200bdescribed above, these hills have other set of values \u200b\u200bsuch as geological, paleontological and archaeological sites. Thus, their geological value lies in being one of the very few examples of hill-witness the Tertiary period, present in the metropolitan area south of Madrid.
In paleontological value terms, is to highlight the site of Cerro de La Coronilla, in which were found in the nineteenth century, fossils of the giant tortoise Bolivar (Cheirogaster bolivari), who lived in this area in the Miocene . Scattered
their fields may be fossil remains of different species of marine molluscs, marine inhabitants of the distant past of this place.
In relation to the archaeological value, it is worth mentioning the documentation by the Community of Madrid, the Cerro de La Cantueña, and its immediate environment, such as "Cultural Property" in the category of "Zone Archaeology "by a decision of 23 September 1994, having dated different historical periods, from the age of metals to the sixteenth century. In nearby
Bañuelo oilfield in the end of Fuenlabrada, west of these hills, were found in August 2005, archaeological remains from various historical periods: the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the beginning of the Roman, and Visigothic (S. III and VI), as well as the Middle Ages.
addition, the newsletter of the Royal English Society of Natural History, published in volume VIII in 1908, described the discovery of a knife or scraper Mousterian period, near these hills. Full text:
The instrument referred to in this note has been encontradopor me in terms of Fuenlabrada, near the road from this village in Pinto, near the junction of the road to Toledo . The quaternary this alii to few meters of tertiary hill form immediate Gantuenas Alcantuenas 6 of Parla. It was among the lands taken from an old wheel abandouada today, which certainly well alcanz6 to tertiary lasacillas, judging by the materials piled up to the rede dor. It is built in white flint, no doubt from the hill above Cantilena, which is very abundant in the same aspecLo. It's kind of knife scraper 6 6 and will cenUmetros long, but certainly incomplete, as shown in the figure, which clearly VQ that is broken at one end. The underside, slightly concave, is smooth; mienlras the top has three pianos well defined. The edge is serrated, and its small dieates is mauifiesta hombreprimitivo intelligent work. Gomo neither Prado nor Cartailhac, ui Vilanova quote ningiin instrumeuto analog & is in the quaternary near Madrid (1), I thought that my meeting is to detail any local interest and deserves to do some cousideraciones on. The only instruments cited are, apart from the axes of type chellense frankly, maybe scrapers are nothing more than SS5 illyiV "'1' Quirl from the manufacture of those, and hammer doubtful. Of the three main types of Palaeolithic tools, chellense, Mousterian and Solutrean, only the first is represented by the objects known in the San Isidro station, only the immediate cuartenario Madrid. The knife 6 saw the subject of this news is claramente'monsteriense type, characterized by teuer a smooth face and LaOtra skillfully retouched, and especially by the way saw teeth at its edges, feature that is never found in silex chellenses (2). Nothing is special about the fact of being in the same utensils diluvium two successive seasons, much more if (1) Vilanova said, however, that the clearing of Carabanchel way, it was donated by an employee some chippings as scrapers. Undoubtedly one of them having serrated edges like this, no such specificity would have been forgotten by so keen geologist. (2) closely resembles this instrument & some racloirs of Casa da Moura and burial of Marcella (Algarve), represented in the famous play of CartailhaCi takes into account the diverse level sidoencontrados ban ague, for among the gravel area of \u200b\u200bSan Isidro in which lie most chellenses axes and the place where I found the saw blade 6 monsteriense, there is a slope that exceeds bastaute of 100 meters. I intend to explore in detail the vicinity of the hill Cantueña and excited the zeal of jet of Cantueña fans and excite the zeal of the fans to be investigated for his part in the localities they frequent. Clearly understand the interest that would have to find new instruraentos of the type described.
then describes the various species that inhabit these hills:

Family: Ranunculaceae
· Bold (Nigella gallica) Endangered-Local-
Family : poppy
· Common Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
· Poppy oblonga (Papaver dubium)
· Poppy dwelling (Roemeria hybrida) Endangered-Local-
· Glaucio red (Glaucium corniculatum) Endangered-Local-
· Fumaria (Fumaria officinalis)
· Zadorija (Hypecoum beardless)
Family: Fagaceae
· Encina (Quercus ilex ballota) -In Critically Endangered
Local-Family: Cactaceae
· Chumbera (Opuntia maxima) -allochthonous-
Family: Caryophyllaceae
· Bold (Agrostema githago)-Possibly Extinct-
· cow Grass (Vaccari hispanica)-Possibly Extinct-
· Clavelina prolific (Petrorhagia prolifera)
· common campion (Silene vulgaris)
· red campion (Silene colorata)
· Silene portensis portensis
Mouse Ears (Cerastium gracile)-Endemism Ibero-Mauritanian- Scleranthus agnus
· snowdrop (Paronychia argentea)
Family: Portulacaceae
· purslane (Portulaca Oleacea)
Family: Chenopodiaceae
· Sisallo (Salsola vermiculata)-Endangered Local-
· saltwort edge (Salsola kali)
· Cenizo (Chenopodium album)
· Ceñiglo (Bassia scoparia)
Family: Amaranthaceae
· Bledo creeping (Amaranthus deflexus)-allochthonous-
· amaranth (Amaranthus emarginatus blitum)-allochthonous-
· pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus)-allochthonous-
Family: Polygonaceae
· bird language (Polygonum aviculare)
· Acedera Moorish (Rumex roseus)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Yellow Dock (Rumex pulcher woodsii)-Endangered
Local-Family: Gutíferas
· Wort (Hypericum perforatum )
Family: Malvaceae Malva
· common (Malva sylvestris)
· dwarf Malva (Malva negleta)
· Mallow (Lavatera cretica)-Critically Endangered Species Family Local-
: Ulmáceas
· Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila)-Introduced, Coming-
Revegetation Family: Moraceae
· Higuera (Ficus carica)
Family: Urticaceae Nettle
· lower (Urtica urens)
Family: Cistaceae
· Jaguarzo black (Cistus salviifolium)-Critically Endangered Species Local Revegetation Coming -
· Romerina (Cistus clusii)-Critically Endangered Species Local Revegetation-
from · Jarilla rough (Helianthemum asperum)-Endemic Iberian-
· Jarilla rosemary (Helianthemum syriacum)-Critically Endangered Species Local-· Ardivieja (Helianthemum ledifolium)
· herb turmeric (Helianthemum salicifolium)
· Jara thyme (Fumana thymifolia)-Possibly Extinct-
Family: Tamaricáceas
· Taray (Tamarix sp.)-Endangered Species, to Revegetation-
Coming Family: Cucurbitaceae
· Pickle's Baby (Ecballium elaterium dioicum)
Family: Salicaceae
· Bardaguera (Salix atrocinerea)-In Local Critically Endangered, From Revegetation-
· white Twill (Salix salviifolia)-Critically Endangered Species Local Revegetation Coming-
· Poplar (Populus nigra)-Critically Endangered Species Local Revegetation-
Coming Family: Cruciferae or Brassicaceae
· wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis)
· black mustard (Brassica nigra)
· radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
· yellow arugula (Diplotaxis catholica)
· shepherd's pouch (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
· Draba (draba Cardaria)
· Rabaniza (Hirschfeldia incana)
· Matacandil (Sisymbrium irio)
· radish rough (Rapistrum rugosum rugosum)
· Crawler (Eruca vesicaria)
· Alyssum simplex
· Wallflower (Matthiola fruticulosa fruticulosa)
· Herb glasses (Biscutella auriculata)-Endemism Ibero-Mauritanian-
Family: Resedáceas
· yellow Reseda (Reseda lutea lutea)
· Gualdilla (Reseda phyteuma)
Family: Primulaceae
· real Centaurea (Anagallis Monellia)
· Centaurea female (Anagallis foemina)
· Lino of lizards ( Asterolinon linum-stellatum)
Family: Rosaceae
· Majuelo (Crataegus monogyna) -En Peligro Crítico de Extinción Local-
· Agavanzo (Rosa pouzinii) -En Peligro Crítico de Extinción Local-
· Almendro (Prunus dulcis) -En Peligro de Extinción Local-
· Plateada (Potentilla anserina)
· Pimpinela (Sanguisorba verrucosa)
Familia: Leguminosas, Papilionáceas o Fabáceas
· Retama (Retama sphaerocarpa) -Endemismo ibero-mauritánico-
· Gayomba (Spartium junceum) -Procedente de Revegetación-
· Alacranera (Coronilla scorpioides)
· Granillo de oveja (Scorpiurus muricatus)
· Afaca (Lathyrus aphaca)
· Galgana, Cicércula (Lathyrus Cicero)
· horseshoe (Hippocrepis biflora)
· Quebrantaherraduras (Hippocrepis commutata)-Endemism Iberian-
· Cuernecillo (Lotus corniculatus carpetanus)-Iberian endemics-dog
· Garbancillo (Astragalus hamosus)
· Manilla (Astragalus pelecinus)
· gray sainfoin (Onobrychis matritensis)-Endemism Iberian-
· meliloti (Melilotus sp.)
· Arveja (Cracco addictive)
· Veza, Garrobilla (addictive amphicarpa)
· prowler Espinosa (onOne spinosa spinosa)
· prowler Common (Southern onOne spinosa)-Endemism Ibero-Mauritania-
· prowler two flowers (Ononis biflora)
· Mielgo painted (Medicago arabica)
· trucks amores (Medicago polymorpha)
· Mielgo black (Medicago lupulina)
· Milega of caracolillo (Medicago orbicularis)
· Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
· blue lupine (lupulus angustifolius)
· Immortelle Clover (Trifolium tomentosum)
· of Zorro Clover (Trifolium angustifolium)
· Fenarda (Trifolium campestre)
· Crown King (Tetranolobus maritimus)
Family: Onagráceas
· Adelfilla Pelosa (Epilobium hirsum )
· Epilobium brachycarpum-Alóctono
-Family: Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce
· postrata-allochthonous-
· Chamaesyce maculata-allochthonous-
· spurge sunflower (Euphorbia helioscopia)
· sawn spurge (Euphorbia serrata)
· romeral spurge (Euphorbia exigua)
· Tomagallos (Euphorbia peplus)
· Calculus (Chrozophora tinctorea)
Family: Vitáceas
· Vine (Vitis vinifera)-Critically Endangered Species
Local-Family: Rutaceae
· Ruda (Ruta graveolens)-In Critically Endangered Local-
Family: Zigofiláceas
· Alharma (Peganum harmala)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Abrojos (Tribulus terrestris)
Family: Linaca
· Lino yellow (Linum strictum)
Family: Geraniaceae
· musk (Erodium moschatum)
· pastor Pins (Erodium cicutarium)
· Brads Shepherd (Erodium malacoides)
· gentle Geranium (Geranium molle)
· round-leaved geranium (Geranium rotundifolium)
Family: Oxalidáceas
· Hallelujah yellow (Oxalis corniculata)
Family: Umbelliferae
· anisillo (Scandix australis australis)
· Venus comb (pecten-veneris Scandix)
· Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare piperitum)
· Limelight (Thapsia villosa)
· Card corridor (Eryngium campestre)
· Carrot (Daucus carota)
· Cominillo brave (Lagoecia cuminoides)
· Cachurro (Torilis nodosa)
Family: Oleaceae
· Olivo (Olea europaea)-Critically Endangered-Species Local
Familia: Solanáceas
· Hierba mora (Solanum nigrum) –Alóctono-
· Estramonio (Datura stramonium) -Alóctono-
· Chamico (Datura ferox) -Alóctono-
Familia: Convolvuláceas
· Correhuela común (Convolvulus arvensis)
· Campanilla espigada (Convolvulus lineatus)
· Cuscuta (Cuscuta campestris)
Familia: Boragináceas
· Lengua de perro (Cynoglossum cheirifolium)
· Lengua de buey (Anchusa azurea)
· Buglosa (Echium officinalis)
· Viborera (Echium plantagineum)
· Viborera (Echium asperrimum)
· Chupamieles gold (Neatostema apulum)
· Verruguera (Heliotropium europaeum)
· sun wild millet (Buglossoides arvensis arvensis)
· common Nomeolvides ( Myosotis arvensis arvensis)
Family: Labiatae or Lamiaceae
· Romero (Rosmarinus officinalis)-Endangered Species, to Revegetation-
· sarsero Thyme (Thymus zygis sylvestris)-Endemic Iberian-
· white sage (Salvia argentea)
· verbenaca (Verbenaca Salvia) Salvia illegal
· Oropesa (Salvia aethiopis)
· Aguaviento (Phlomis herba-venti)
· Tail Cat (Sideritis hirsuta)-Endangered-
· Lamia (Lamium amplexicaule )
· Zamarrilla (Teucrium capitatum capitatum)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Horehound (Marrubium vulgare)
Family: Plantaginaceae
· ft (Plantago coronopus)
· ft ( Plantago lagopus)
· white Plantain (Plantago albicans)
· Lantan dog (Plantago afra)
· psyllium (Pantages semprevirens)
Family: Scrophulariaceae
· Gallocresta (Bartsia trixago)
· Linaria (Linaria spartea)
· Herb (Scrophularia canine)-Endangered Critically Endangered Local-
· dusty Mullein (Verbascum pulverulentum)
· Tientayernos (Verbascum sinuatum)
· white hen (Veronica cymbalaria)
· Veronica arvense (Veronica arvensis)
politics ·
· Veronica persica-Veronica-
· Hiedrezuela terrestrial (Veronica hederifolia)
· Algarabía (Parentucellia latifolia)
Family: Orobancáceas
· Stud wolf (Orobanche amethystea amethystea)
Family: Rubiaceae
· Love gardener (Galium aparine)
Sherardia arvensis Family: Valerianaceae
· Canons (Valerianella locusta)
· pink flower Canons (Valerianella discoidea)
Family: Dipsacáceas
· scabies, Farolitos (Lomelosia stellata)
· lower scabious (Scabiosa columbaria)
Family: Compositae or Asteraceae
· Card blessed (Cnicus benedictus)
· Card (Silybum marianum)
· Abremanos (Centaurea solstitialis)
· Calcitrapa (Centaurea calcitrapa)
· of Malta Centaurea (Centaurea melitensis)
· Centaura elegant (Centaurea ornata)-Endemic Iberian-
· Cabezuela (Crupina vulgaris)
· Broom flower head (Mantisalca Salmantica)
· Immortelle (Helichrysum stoechas)
· Italian Immortelle (Helichrysum italicum)
· (Asteriscus aquaticus)
· castanets (Pallenis spinosa)
· Card lattice (Atractylis cancellata)
· Card less (Atractylis humilis)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Manzanilla tinderbox (Phagnalon saxatile)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Card Cuckoo (Carlina hispanica)
· Card beekeeper, star thistle (Carlina racemosa)
· Toba, Artichoke Scotch (Onopordum nervosum)-Endemic Iberian-
· Artichoke Scotch (Onopordum corimbosum)
· Toba (Onopordum Illyricum)
· Cadillo (Xanthium strumarium strumarium)-allochthonous-
· Rascamoños, Cachurrera lower (Xanthium spinosum)-allochthonous-
· Immortal lower (Xeranthemun inapertum)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· ABROTANO female (Santolina chamaecyparissus)-Possibly Extinct-
· Altabaca, olivarda (Dittrichia viscose)
· common Cerraja (Sonchus arvensis)
· Pelosilla (Hieracium pilosella)
· Golden Yarrow (Achillea filipendulina)-Introduced, Possibly Extinct-
· small leaf Tansy (Tanacetum microphyllum)
· Ragwort (Senecio vulgaris) Arnica
· false (Senecio gallicus)
· fine Manzanilla (Matricaria aurea)
· Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
· Chamomile Roman (Chamaemelum nobile)
· hogweed (Anthemis arvensis)
· Cerraja shaggy (Andryala integrifolia)
· gristle (Crepis vesicaria haenseleri)
· fresh chicory (Chondrilla juncea)
· Endive Wild (Lactuca serriola)
· goat beard (Tragopogon pratensis)
· White Salsify (Tragopogon australis porrifolius)-In Hazard Local extinction-
· Head of chicken (Picnomon acarne)
· Card goatherd (Carthamus lanatus)
· Card of Mirth (Carduus tenuiflorus)
· Card crespo (Carduus bourgeanus)-Endemic Iberian-
· Cardillo (scolymus hispanicus)
· Cottony (Bombycilanea erecta)
· Alcaudonera (Filago lutescens)
· brown brush (Artemisia campestris glutinosa)-Possibly Extinct-

Family: Cyperaceae
· Junco churrero (Scirpus holochoenus)-In Local Endangered-
Family: Tifáceas
· Cattail (Typha angustifolia)-Critically Endangered Species
Local-Family: Gramineae or Poaceae
· durum wheat (Triticum aestivum)
· Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum)
· Barley (Hordeum distichon)
· Cebadilla mouse (Hordeum murinum)
· Jopillo mount (Dactylis glomerata hispanica)
· Plumerillo red (Bromus rubens)
· Plumerillo Madrid (Bromus madritensis)
· Spikelets donkey (Bromus hordeaceus)
· cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)
· Pan wolf (Bromus sterilis)
· breeches (Bromus rigidus)
· Bromo scattered (Bromus squarrosus)
· bag cutter (Aegilops geniculata)
· wild oats (Avena fatua)
· albardine (Lygeum spartum)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Feather Grass, Perigallo (Stipa pennata eriocaulis)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· ryegrass (Elymus repens)
· Lastone (Brachypodium retusum)
· perennial ryegrass , ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
Tail fox (Lophochloa cristata)
· common Poa (Poa annua)
· of Majadal Poa (Poa bulbosa)
Rat Tail (V. myuros)
· Triguera (Piptatherum miliaceum)
· Grama lime (lime Wagenheimia)
· Grama , leg partridge (Cynodon dactylon)
· Koeleria vallesiana
· Espigillas Silk (Melica ciliata)
Family: Liliaceae
· Garlic wolf (Ornithogalum Narbonne)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Nazarene (Muscari comosum)
· Muscaria (Muscari negletum)
· Asparagus Corn Bunting (Asparagus acutifolius)
· wild garlic (Allium paniculatum paniculatum)
· wild leek (Allium ampeloprassum)
· Quitameriendas (Merendera pyrenaica)-Endemic Iberian-
Family: Orchidaceae
· Flowers spider ( Ophrys sphegodes)-Critically Endangered Species
· Flowers (Ophrys apifera)-Possibly Extinct-

Order: Insectivora Family
: erinaceids
· Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)-Endangered Local-
Family: soricids
· gray shrew (Crocidula russula)
Order: Chiroptera Family
: vespertilionids
· Bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) bats
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unidentified Order: Rodents
Family: Arvicola
· Mediterranean Vole (Microtus duodecimcostatus)
Family: Murids
· Field Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)
· Mouse (Mus spretus)
· Mouse (Mus musculus)
· brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
· Black Rat (Rattus rattus)
Order: Lagomorpha Family
: Leporidae
· Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis)-Endangered-
· Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)-Endangered Local-
Order: Carnivora Family
· Weasel (Mustela nivalis)-Endangered Local Species-BIRD

Order: Pelecaniformes Family
: Falacrocorácidos
· Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis)-Wintering, accidental-
Order: Ciconiiformes Family
: Ardea
· Cattle egret (Bubulcul ibis)-Wintering, accidental-
· Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)-Summer, "
Accidental Family: Cicon
· White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)-Summer-
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
· Greylag (Anser anser)-in Migration Step-
Order: Falconiformes Family
: accipiters
· black kite (Milvus migrans)-Summer-
· Kite (Milvus Milvus)-Wintering, Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus)-Summer, Critically Endangered Species
· Local-
Buzzard (Buteo buteo)-Sedentary, sporadic -
· Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus)-Summer, sporadic-
. Short-toed (Circaetus gallicus)-Summer, sporadic-
Family: Falcons
· common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)-Sedentary-
· Hobby (Falco subbuteo)-Possibly Extinct-
· Peregrine falcon ( Falco peregrinus peregrinus)-Wintering, Endangered Local-
Order: Galliformes Family
: Fasianos
· red partridge (Alectoris rufa intercedens)-Sedentary, Vulnerable-
· Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix) -Summer, Endangered Local-
Family: Gruídos
· Common Crane (Grus grus)-in Migration Step-
Family: Otídidos
· Great Bustard (Otis tarda)-Possibly Extinct-
· Sison (Tetrax tetrax) "sporadic"
Order: Charadriiformes Family
: Burhin
· common curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus)-Summer, Endangered Species,
Family: Carádridos
· Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus )-Wintering-
· Plover boy (Charadrius dubius)-Summer, Accidental-
Family: scolopacids
· Common Redshank (Tringa totanus)-Accidental-
Family: gulls
· Gull (Larus fuscus graellsii)-Wintering-
Order: Columbiformes Family
: Columba
· domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica)-Sedentary-
· Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus)-Sedentary-
· Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur)-Summer, Critically Endangered-Species Local
· collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto)-Sedentary-
Psittaciformes Family: Psittacidae
· Grey Parrot Argentina (Myiopsitta monachus)-Introduced, Accidental-
· budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) -Introduced, Accidental-
Order: Cuculiformes
Family: cucullate
· European Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)-Summer-
Order: Strigiformes Family
: Tithonian
· Barn Owl (Tyto alba alba) -Sedentary, Critically Endangered Species
Local-Family: Strigid
· European Autillo (Otus scops mallorcae)-Summer, Endangered Local-
· common Owl (Athene noctua vidalii)-Sedentary, Vulnerable -
Order: Caprimulgiformes
Family: nightjars
· Brown Nightjar (Caprimulgus ruficollis)-Summer, Endangered Local-
Family: Nicknamed
· Common Swift (Apus apus) - Summer-
· Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus brehmorum)-Summer, Vulnerable-
Order: Coraciiformes Family
: Merope
· Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)-Summer, Endangered Local-
Family: Upupa
· Hoopoe (Upupa epops) - Summer-
Order: Piciformes Family
: woodpeckers
· Woodpecker (Picus viridis shapei)-Accidental-
Order: Passeriformes Family
: Alauda
· Skylark ( Alauda arvensis)-Wintering-
· Crested Lark (Galerida cristata)-Sedentary-
· common Calandria (Melonocorypha calandra)-Wintering-
· toed Lark (Calandrella brachydactyla)-Summer, Endangered Local-
Family: Swallows
· Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)-Summer, Vulnerable
· Aircraft-common (Delichon urbica)-Summer-
Family: Motacílidos
· White Wagtail (Motacilla alba)-Wintering-
· Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea )-Wintering-
· Lavadera Iberian Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava iberiae)-Summer, Endangered Local-
· Pipit (Anthus pratensis)-Wintering-
· Tawny Pipit (Anthus campestris)-Summer and In-Migration Step
· Water Pipit ( Anthus spinoletta)-Wintering, Endangered Local-
· Richard Pipit (Anthus richardi)-Accidental-
Family: thrushes
· Robin (Erithacus rubecula)-Wintering-
· Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros aterrimus)-Sedentary-
· Redstart (Phoenicurus Phoenicurus spp.) -Sedentary, Possibly Extinct-
· Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra)-in Migration Step-
· Stonechat (Saxicola torquata)-Sedenatio-
· Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe libanotis)-Summer, Vulnerable-
· wheatear (Oenanthe hispanica)-Summer-
· Black Wheatear (Oenanthe leucura)-Accidental-
· Blackbird (Turdus merula)-Sedentary, Endangered Local-
· Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)-Wintering -
· Redwing (Turdus iliacus)-Wintering-
Family: Silves
· Zarcero common (Hippolais Polyglotta)-summer-
· Curruca rabilarga (Sylvia undata)-sedentary-Vulnerable
· Curruca tomillo (Sylvia conspicillata)-summer-Vulnerable
· Curruca cabecinegra (Sylvia melanocephala) -sedentary-Vulnerable
· Curruca Capirote (Sylvia atricapilla)-sedentary-Vulnerable
· Curruca mirlona (Sylvia Hortense)-Accidental-
· Mosquitero common (Phylloscopus collybita)-wintering-
· Mosquitero Iberian (Phylloscopus ibericus)-By-Step migratory
· Reyezuelo list (Regulus ignicapillus)-wintering-
Family: Muscicapa
· Papamoscas gray (Muscicapa striata)-summer-Vulnerable
· Papamoscas cerrojillo Iberian (Ficedula hypoleuca iberiae)-By-Step migratory
Family: hatched
· Herrerillo common (Cyane oligastrae caeruleus)-Presence-
Family: Orioles
· Oropéndola common (Oriolus Oriolus)-Accidental-
Family: Lánidos
· Alcaudon common (Lanius rutilans Senators) - summer, In Danger of Extinction Local-
· Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis)-Sedentary, Endangered Local-
Family: corvids
· Magpie (Pica pica melanotos)-Sedentary-
Family: Estúrnidos
· black starling (Sturnus unicolor)-Sedentary-
· starling (Sturnus vulgaris)-Wintering-
Family: Pasero
· House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)-Sedentary-
· Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) - sedentary Endangered
Family: finches
· Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)-Wintering, Vulnerable-
· Serin (Serinus Serinus)-Sedentary-
· Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris aurantiiventris)-Sedentary-
· Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis parva )-Sedentary-
· Siskin (Carduelis spinus)-Wintering-
· Linnet (Carduelis cannabina mediterranea)-Sedentary-
Family: Emberícidos
· Bunting (Miliaria calandra)-Sedentary-

Order: squamous
· gecko Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica)-Critically Endangered Species
Local-Family: Lacerta
· footed Lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus)-Critically Endangered Local extinction-
· Iberian Lizard (Podarcis hispanica)
· Lizard Cinderella (Psammodromus hispanicus)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Ocellated Lizard (Lacerta lepida)-Critically Endangered Species
Family : colubrid
· Ladder Snake (Rhinechis scalaris)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· bastard Snake (Malpolon monspessulanus)-Possibly Extinct-
invertebrate fauna
Class: clitellate
Order: Haplotáxidos
Family: lumbricids
· Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris)
Class: Gastópodos
Order: Estilomátoforos
Family: hygromas
· Caracol (Candidula intersects) "Vulnerable"
Class: Arachnida Order
: Araneo
Family: Spiders
· Spider (Argiope lobata)
· Spider (Argiope bruennichi)
Family: Licósidos
· Tarantula Mediterranean (Lycosa tarentula)
Family: Tomis
· Spider Crab (Thomisus onustus)
· Spider Crab (Misumena vatia)
Order: solifuges
Family: Daeses
· Gluvia dorsalis
Order: Mites
· ixodid tick (Ixodes ricinus)
Order: Scorpions
Family: Buthidae
· yellow scorpion (Buthus occitanus)-Possibly Extinct-
Class: Chilopoda Order
: Escutigéromorfos
Family: Escutigéridos
· Escutigera fast (Scutigera coleoptrata)
Order: Escolopéndromorfos
centipedes centipede (Scolopendra cingulata)
Order: Geofilomorfos
Family: Himantáridos
· Himantarium Gabrielis
Order: Litobiomorfos
Family: Litóbidos
· Centipede (Lithobius variegatus rubiceps)
Class: malacostracan
Order: Isopoda Family
: Porceliónidos
· sow bugs (Porcellio scaber)
· sowbugs (Oniscus asellus)
Family: Armadilididos
· Cochineal (Armadillidium vulgare)
Class: Insects Order
: springtails
Family: Lepismátidos
· gold minnow nests (Neosterolepisma Wasmannia)
Order: Odonata Family
· Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator)
Family: Dragonfly Dragonfly
· scarlet (Crocothemis erythraea)
Family: Coenagrion
· blue damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Efipigéridos
· Chicharra aliquot (Ephippiger Ephippiger)
Family: Crickets
· Grillo campestre (Gryllus campestris)
· domestic cricket (Acheta domestica)
Family: changa
· onion-scorpion (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa)-Endangered
Local-Family: locust
· Lagosta Egyptian (Anacridium aegyptium)
· blue-winged grasshopper (Oedipoda caerulescens)
· blue-winged grasshopper (Oedipoda fuscocincta)
· grasshopper Redwing (Oedipoda germanica)
· Redwing Grasshopper (Acrotylus insubricus)
· Acrid Ungara
· common field grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus)
Order: Dictiópteros
Family: Mantids
· Mantis religiosa ( Mantis religiosa)
Family: Blato
· Common Cockroach (Blatta orientalis)
Order: Dermaptera Family
: Forficula
· Common Earwig (Forficula auricularia)
Order: Fasmátodos
Family: Bacilos
· Rossi stick insect (Bacillus rossii)-Endangered Local-
Order: Isoptera Family
: Rinotermítidos
· subterranean termite (Reticulitermes lucifugus)
Order: Hemiptera Family
· Canthophorus dubius
Family: stink
· Bug striped (Graphosoma lineatum)
· Bug Mediterranean (Carpocoris mediterraneus)
· Bug shield (Carpocoris fuscispinus )
Familia: Ligeidos
· Chinche de cruz (Lygaeus pandurus)
Familia: Pirocóridos
· Chinche zapatero (Pyrrhocoris apterus)
· Scantius aegyptius
Familia: Berítidos
· Neides tipularius
Familia: Tíngidos
· Tinguis cardui
Familia: Afrofóridos
· Chinche espumadora (Philaenus spumarius)
· Aphrophora alni
Familia: Antocóridos
· Anthocoris nemorum
Familia: membracids
· Stictocephalus bisonia
Family: CICAD
· Chicharra (Lyristes plebejus)
· Chicharra (Tibicen plebejus)
· Chicharra translucent (Cicada orni)
Family: Aphids Aphids
· floury almond (Hyalopterus amygdali)
· aphid fresh chicory (Uroleucon chondrillae)
Order: Neuroptera Family
: Mirmeleóntidos
· Ant-lion (Myrmeleon formicarius)
Family: Chrysopidae
· lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea)
Order: Mecoptera Family
· Panorpa scorpion-fly (Panorpa communis)
Order: Diptera Family
: Tipula
· Cranefly common (Tipula maxima)
· Cranefly (Tipula oleracea)
Family: Culicidae
· common Mosquito (Culex pipiens)
Family: Swede
· Mosquito oak (Dryomyia lichtensteini)
· sisallo midge (Stefaniola salsolae)
horseflies horsefly (Tabanus sp.)
Family: Asylum
· Fly jacket (Laphria flava)
· Dioctria sp.
· Leptogaster cylindrica hispanica
Family: Bulb
· Fly Bumblebee (Bombylius major)
Family: SiRF
· Mosca drone (Eritalis tenax)
· Mosca kestrel (Syrphus ribestii)
· Mosca kestrel (Volucella sp.)
Family: Musca
common · Fly (Musca domestica)
· Fly Green (Neomyia sp.)
· Moscardó green (Dasyphora sp.)
· Moscardó rayada coprophagous (Bellard viarum)
Family: California
· Moscardó blue (Calliphora vomitoria)
· Moscardó green (Lucilia Caesar)
Family: Sarcofago
· Fly ash meat (Sarcophaga flesh)
Family psychodynamic
· Fly the humidity (Psychoda alternate)
Family: Tefirítidos
· Fly the olive (Bactrocera oleae)
Order: Hymenoptera Family
: School
· Hornet spotting (Megascolia flavifrons)
· Scolia hortorum
Family: Eumenes
· Mason Wasp (Odynerus spinipes)
Family: Vespa
· European paper wasp (Polistes dominulus)
· Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris)
· European Wasp (Vespula germanica)
Family: Evan
· Black Wasp (Evania appendigaster)
Family: Sphecid
· pottery jacket wasp spiders (Sceliphron spirifex)
· sands Wasp (Ammophila sabulous)
Family: Megachile
· leaf-cutting Bee (Megachile centuncularis)
Family: Coletivo
· Bee (Colletes sp.)
Family: apid
· Iberian honeybee (Apis mellifera iberica)
· Bee blue timber (Xylocopa violacea)
· Bumblebee (Bombus locorum)
Family: Pteromálidos
· Avispilla (Spalangia sp.)
Family: Formicidae
· Cataglyphis velox-Endemic Iberian-
· Aphaenogaster senilis
· Messor barbarus
Order: Lepidoptera Family
: Papiliónidos
· Machaon ( Papilio machaon) (Vulnerable)
· Chupaleche (Iphiclides podalirius feisthamelii)-Endangered
Local-Family: Piero
the cabbage · Butterfly (Pieris brassicae)
· Butterfly blanquita of cabbage (Artogeia rapae)
· Blanquiverdosa (Pontia daplidice)
· Blancaverdirrayada (Euchloe Bethlehem), In Danger of Extinction Critical Local-
· Blanquiverdosa moteada (Euchloe Crameri)
· Amarillo (coli crocea)
· Berger coli (coli alfacariensis)
Family: Satire
· Saltacercas (Lasiommata shrew)
· wild Lobito (Pyron Tithonus)
· veined Lobito (Pyron Cecilia)
· hasty Banda (Hipparchia Alcyone)
· The Loba (Maniola jurtina)
· Medioluto Iberian ( Melanargia Lachesis)
Family: nymphal
· Cardera (Vanessa cardui)
· Number (Vanessa atalanta)
· Ortiguera (Aglais urticae)
Family: Licen
· Fabiola (Escherichia Agrodiaetus)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Nina Sky (Lysandra bellargus)-Critically Endangered Species Local-
· Cardenillo (Tomares Ballus)-Vulnerable-
· Icarus, Colon (Polyommatus icarus)
· Keep bicolor (Lycaena phlaeas)
Family: Hesperides Golden
· short line (Thymelicus lineola)
· long line (Thymelicus sylvestris)
Family: Sphinx Sphinx
· hummingbird (Macroglossum stellatarum)
· Sphinx of spurge (Hyles euphorbiae)
Family: Noctuidae
· Moth (Autographa gamma)
· Agrotis exclamation point (Agrotis exclamationis)
Family: Geometridae
· Ennom quercaria
Family: Árctidos
· Gitana (Arctia box)
Family: Lasiocámpidos
· Gypsy False (Malacosoma Neustria)
· moth clover (Lasiocampa trifolli)
Family: Saturn
night · Great Peacock (Saturnia pyri) - Protected Species, Endangered Species Critical Local-
Family: Zigénidos
· Zygaena saperdon
Coleoptera Family: Chrysomelidae
· Galeruca of daffodils (exosome lusitanica)
· bloody nose beetle (Timarcha tenebricosa)
· Beetle Potato (Leptinotarsa \u200b\u200bdecemlineata)
· Rosemary beetle (Chrysolina americana)
· Chrysolina herbacea
· Chrysolina hyperici
· Lachnaia sp.
Family: Dasit
· Psilothrix viridicaeruleus
Family: Cerambycidae
· longicorn beetle (leptura livida)
Family: Coccinellids
· Red Ladybug seven points (Coccinella septempunctata)
· Yellow Ladybug twenty-two points (Thea vigintiduopunctata)
Family: Tenebrionidae Beetle
· Miller (Tenebrio molitor)
· Cárabo negro (Feronia nigrita)
· Opatrum sabulosum
· Pimelia bipunctata
· Blaps lusitanica
· Heliotaurus ruficollis
Familia: Carábidos
· Zabro (Zabrus sp.)
· Poecilus cupreus·
· Nebria brevicollis
· Amara aenea
· Harpalus affinis
Familia: Melóidos
· Mosca española (Lytta vesicatoria)
· Mylabris fabricii
· Mylabris hieracii
· Aceitera (Berberomeloe majalis) -Endemismo ibero-mauritánico-
· Oil coral (Physomeloe CoralLife)-Endemic Iberian-
Family: Dermet
· Beetle (Dermestes sp.)
Family: Curculionidae
· Weevil mallows (Lixus angustatus)
Family: Staphylinidae Staphylinidae
· smelly (Ocypus Olens)
beetle rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes grypus nasicornis)-Critically Endangered Species
Local-Family: melolonthids
· Beetle sanjuanero striped (Anoxia australis)
Familia: Geotrúpidos
· Escarabajo estercolero zumbador (Geotrupes stercorarius)
Familia: Lampíridos
· Luciérnaga (Lampyris noctiluca)


Bombicylaena erecta /Asteriscus aquaticus

bourgeanus Carduus / Cynoglossum cheirifolium

Anagallis foemina / Euphorbia serrata

Thymus zygis sylvestris / Salsola vermiculata

Tragopogon porrifolius australis /Convolvulus lineatus

Matthiola fruticulosa / Helianthemum asperum