Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Need To Add Springs To Utility Trailer

Humanejos Brook destroyed by the construction of hospital Parla .

The construction of the hospital "Infanta Cristina" in the Madrid suburb of Parla, has caused a serious ecological impact.

On February 25, 2008, the hospital launched the "Infanta Cristina", located in the Madrid town of Parla, a good news for the inhabitants of this town and residents in neighboring towns.
However, the serious damage caused to nature, is not pleasant news. Its location near the creek Humanejos has caused tremendous environmental impact, to be affected one of the most ecologically valuable river stretches.
Thus the construction of a road that provides access to hospital from the town of Parla, has caused the total destruction of valuable riparian forest along this section accompanying the stream Humanejos. Moreover, this road has begun development of the rural landscape of the area.
Not content with the serious damage caused to the environment, cutting and pruning abusive been primed with the rest of the gallery forest was saved after the construction of access to the hospital. It appears, that the City of Parla, intended sweep this unique river ecosystem, to develop the zo na.
addition, in order to increase the capacity of transportation of sewage, the bed of the stream has been deepened, altering it. Such waste water has contaminated the entire water system Humanejos stream, discharged from the hospital without previous purification, making the river channel in an open air vent. Also, the natural water regime of the stream has moved from seasonal to permanent altering the entire ecosystem.
The construction of jetties on the banks near the hospital, has been a significant impact on the landscape, due to the profound transformation of the same, which have become forested bare stone walls and cement, giving a very artificial channel.
Despite being a short distance from the town of Parla, is ta ecological barbarism has gone unnoticed for months, due to the apathy shown by both local and regional governments (pending social issues more politically profitable) as the local population, lacking the slightest environmental awareness.
The decision to place this great medical center, near the creek Humanejos (the best preserved in southern stream Madrid), clearly indicates the "appreciation" that exists in this county for scarce natural areas, which largely focuses of biodiversity. In particular, only in Humanejos stream segment affected by the hospital, have been recorded up to 105 species of birds, of which 55 are breeding. In addition to 22 species of wintering birds, 10 species migratory path, and 18 species present erratically.
But animal biodiversity of the river course is not limited to birds, 17 species of mammals, 6 species of reptiles and 5 species of amphibians, inhabiting its shores and surrounding areas, as are countless species of invertebrates, the most notable to the Lepidoptera, being formidable bioindicators of environmental quality of ecosystems. 27 species of butterfly and 10 species, so far, of moths have been recorded in the stream.
The native forests of special ecological value, the tiles were vegetation mesomediterranean riparia (habitats of Community interest) whose flora was represented by trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous helophytes and hydrophilic, and white poplar (Populus alba), poplar (Populus nigra), bardaguera (Salix atrocinerea), white twill (Salix salviifolia), white willow (Salix alba), willow (Salix fragilis), ash (F raxinus angustifolia) negrillo elm (Ulmus minor), tamarisk (Tamarix sp.), Lycium (Lycium barbarum), hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna ), wild roses (Rosa canina, Rosas micrantha, Rosa corymbifera), bramble (Rubus ulmifolius), nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), cattail (Typha dominguensis, Typha latifolia), reed (Arundo donax), reed churrero (Scirpus holoschoenus), snapper (Scirpus maritimus), hard rush (Juncus inflexus) long sedge (Cyperus longus), bayunquillo (Eleocharis palustris) and reed (Carex sp.) Scrophularia nodosa, Veronica Anagallis-aquatica, Mentha suaveolens, Nasturtium officinalis, Calystegia sepium, Apium nodiflorum, Epilobium hirsutum, Myosoton aquaticum, Pulicaria paludosa, Glyceria fluitans, etc.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sample Letter Project Completed

Small addenda watch

bought ten years ago, in a store waste from the USSR in the 4 th Avenue New York, one of my most treasured possessions: a timer to the KGB, ball dark blue, needle (the only watches that a man can use) and a red shield with the hammer and sickle. There were many interesting things in that shop, uniforms, those furry hats that can incinerate the brains of anyone who uses them closer to the tropics to the Arctic, Rushenko reproductions, and a funny old Russian shopkeeper who told me he had met some Uruguayans in Russia, but had not gotten along with them because they were "big fans."

morbid, elegant, slightly sinister (the KGB it was a watch factory, remember, and the shop was used items), the clock became one of those things that you know is going to be one, indivisible, and that will symbolize both the extraordinary circumstance purchase as an age, aesthetics, something our own.

Six years after buying the watch stopped working. I took him to a legendary watchmaker Pocitos, one of the last exponents of a lost art, who fixed it but not for long. A few weeks after they stopped moving their hands again, I'd take this time and watch what was being studied for a long time. When I said "look, like many Russian things this is pretty poorly done and also a complicated way. The removed piece by piece but not works, is dead. Comprate a good automatic, a Eternamatic or something and this leave in the drawer ".
I had inherited from my father and family with a huge karma over, but I liked that I'd like to leave a son, was my watch blue dial communist. I kept it in a drawer with sadness.

In the years since I used two different clocks, a Seiko black dial with golden needles, and one that my mother gave me apparently quite expensive, which not even remember the brand. None of them broke ever, none was automatic (balance the complex mechanisms that make the rope of a watch is loaded by the movement are now considered too expensive and fragile, especially having so powerful and small batteries) and lost without any pain in less than a year: one had a belt that irritated me the wrist and pulled me often until I forgot in a bar, the other that broke his leash while walking in the park and I did not realize when he fell to the ground. I will not miss them.

Earlier this year I decided to buy a new watch, but then I realized I did not need, at the end after being permanently with the above cell I was informed of the time. But I missed the object, never wore bracelets but I like having something on her wrist somehow fulfill that role, something dark and virile charisma, something like a blue dial watch of the KGB, for example. And then I thought, why not use it, but does not work?

actually had a lot of answers to that question, of which the simplest was that I was exposing myself to look like an asshole or a jerk when I ask the time-something that usually happens especially when the clock in question is large and notorious, "but also by the simple aura of helplessness that causes a clock that does not give it the time (except twice day, as we know that we know the sayings whites), almost as the very definition of futility.

But I liked my watch, a murderer, so I decided to use it anyway. "Ridiculous? Of course, such as love letters which he spoke Pessoa. Like everything.

After nearly a month of taking what happened in a way it had to happen, one day saw the second hand was moving. I was excited, as after all when he began to stop working also had periods where they worked, stopping inevitably a couple of hours later. Just in case I put in time, this was on the night of Iemanjá, the February 2.

Quid pro quo, today, March 9, the clock is running and I just had to pass three or four minutes a few times. I marveled at the fact but in a calm, as when one contemplates the improbability of a simple act of justice. Because it is right, I returned the watch condition and lend me some criminal charm, giving me time to go to work with the same security as ever, in one of those, given the time to kill, unable - perhaps as the owner, to notice a significant difference.

tailgating, promoters and feng shui magic Beretta.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Landscape Company Slogan


Since 2001, ARBA "Madrid Sur, has been developing its conservation activities in the southern municipalities of Madrid.
You might wonder, why keep a region so degraded?.
Well, because despite the degradation of the environment, our region still retains many ecological values \u200b\u200bworth preserving.
ARBA's work-Madrid Sur, is based on:
1. Defender natural values \u200b\u200bthat still remain in the region.
2. Restoring natural areas through reforestation.
3. To inform the population of the region, the natural values \u200b\u200bpresent in it, involving them in conservation, regeneration, protection and study.
4. Study, dissemination and retrieval of the ethnobotanical tradition of southern Madrid.
Our activities:
Since we started, we have carried out various activities:
1. Trips to various ecosystems of the south of Madrid, to make known their special ecological values.
2. Realization of reforestation with native species of the region, depending on the ecosystem to which they belong.
3. Establishment of a small tree nursery of native species on the premises of ARBA.
4. Filing complaints for assaults on nature.
5. Dissemination of our activities, and ecological values \u200b\u200bof our region in the newsletter and website ARBA.
6. Publications on the spaces in the south of Madrid, articles of complaint in the press, as well as stickers, leaflets, etc.
7. Collaboration with other environmental organizations in campaigns and events.

If you live in the south of Madrid and are interested in our activities, please contact us:
ARBA Phone: 91.479.65.93, Wednesday afternoon, from 19 h. * E-mail
· Visit the headquarters of ARBA: Hostel Richard Schirrmann "in the Casa de Campo de Madrid. (Metro Lake or Batan).